How To Keep The Computer Safe

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Joined Jun 19, 2017
I went to an interview for the post of technical support engineer. Interviewer asked me How do you know that someone is stealing data from your computer?. Which way they can access data? How can you stop it?.

I have started to attend interview. I don't know much I have done more work on embedded system. I have worked with Micro controller. I have read it about computer, configuration of switches and routers. I could not answer the first question. I said someone can access our computer in two way. First way They can connect pen drive to computer and can copy all data from computer. Second They can access data via internet. We can use antivirus to keep the computer safe

I gave the answer But I do not know whether my answer was right or wrong. I could not ask him whether I am right or wrong because I was giving interview. I have the curiosity in mind that I want to know weather I was right or wrong. I think I couldn't gave correct answer.

I do not know that this is the right place to ask these questions. But I think someone will help me here


Joined Sep 9, 2010
How do you know that someone is stealing data from your computer?
The computer log files might show activity that suggests unauthorized access. Insertion of a thumb drive, accessing sensitive directories, that sort of thing. But there are other ways that that would be impossible to detect after-the-fact. Reading the screen through a window with a telescope, for instance.
Which way they can access data?
So many options! Physical access is usually cited as the most common but any physical port is a potential entry port, and of course any radio (bluetooth, wireless, etc.). There's even been some success in determining what someone is watching by the pattern of tiny surges in their home power supply.
How can you stop it?.
Limit physical access. Prevent unencrypted open-air data transfers, use air gaps and control network access, and on and on. The basic strategic answer is to assume someone is trying to steal your data at all times, and design every operation to prevent that as much as economically feasible.

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Joined Jun 19, 2017
I am curious to know. Can we know who are accessing data. I mean the IP address of that computer and from which place they are accessing.
They do the wrong thing, Can we block them from accessing data

Just a few months ago I had seen bank ATM were closed because of ransomware attack. I had heard that they lock website and demand for money and then it becomes difficult to open it.

Is there a any solution to tackle this type of problem ?


Joined Sep 9, 2010
Never underestimate the ingenuity of determined thieves.
Yeah, that article gives a false sense of security. A five-minute-old severed finger isn't that different than a live finger and I bet it would work just fine. If they want to claim a freshly severed finger won't work, I demand proof.


Joined Apr 28, 2013
Like anything nothing is total secure and where theres a will theres a way. Personal if thats your best answer you could give at the time then don't worry about it and move on with life and learn from the experience..

There are so many ways to attack a system to gain information whether it be a social engineering ,physical attack,and/or system overload.


Joined Oct 2, 2009
Here are three ways to prevent someone from hacking into your computer or stealing data.

1) Don't connect to the internet.
2) Don't plug in a USB drive.
3) Write your own operating system.

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Joined Jun 19, 2017
Here are three ways to prevent someone from hacking into your computer or stealing data.

1) Don't connect to the internet.
2) Don't plug in a USB drive.
3) Write your own operating system.
Your suggestion is correct. But the Internet has become a need of life. There is no work without it. We can not stop using the Internet nor we can stop using other things like pen drive, Usb etc .

What will be the benefit of writing your own operating system?
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Joined Jun 19, 2017
Someone cannot hack into your system.
But how it can possible. Operating system is operating system Either you make or someone make it, the work is the same. What is there in the current operating system, so that someone can hack it? what will be in our own operating system so that no one will not be able to hack system


Joined Oct 2, 2009
But how it can possible. Operating system is operating system Either you make or someone make it, the work is the same. What is there in the current operating system, so that someone can hack it? what will be in our own operating system so that no one will not be able to hack system
No. All operating systems are not the same.

If you create your own operating system you can choose what functions to implement and not to implement. Operating systems today are not secure because they allow executable binaries into their systems.

I can design and create an OS that is 100% secure from hacking or viruses.

(The one thing I cannot prevent is spam email).

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Joined Jun 19, 2017
I can design and create an OS that is 100% secure from hacking or viruses.
I trust you you can do it but I want to know more. You said " you can do it " that means you are working on it or already you have been developed viruses free operating system.

this is a wonderful thing. I have not heard before about virus free operating system


Joined Oct 2, 2009
What's the point of an OS if not to allow the execution of binaries?
I am not referring to the binaries already in the system. I am referring to the importation of code from an external source. You do not need to import binaries. You can import scripted code such as Java allowing the system to screen code before compilation or execution.


Joined Jun 6, 2011
I am not referring to the binaries already in the system. I am referring to the importation of code from an external source. You do not need to import binaries.
And what if one wishes write their own code? How is one to test their code if only code "already in the system" is allowed to be executed?