Help needed to identify component

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Joined Jun 23, 2024
Hi there, first post here so thanks for letting me join, and apologies in advance for what are some dumb questions from a diesel mechanic. I have a Scania truck air suspension control unit that is only partially working. I have opened it up and identified the fault but im having trouble finding the components to repair it. I have spoken to a number of electronic component distributor's but no one could give me a definite answer. The only markings on the smd components are RJ 91 and the Vishay symbol. It does have a line at one end like a diode but I need to be sure I get the correct parts as Im at the edge of my comfort zone here Screenshot_20240624_025931_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20240624_025931_Gallery.jpg


Joined Mar 30, 2015
Welcome to AAC!

Couldn't find anything in my SMD references. Have you tried contacting Vishay?

The polarity marker could indicate a capacitor or diode. How many leads does the device have? What makes you think it's bad?

Do you have a schematic for the board?
You should contact a moderator and try to have your member name changed. It doesn't take too much of a leap to see that it's an email address.

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Joined Jun 23, 2024
Hey guys/ girls thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The problem I have is that I found a data sheet with the RJ on it, but vishay called it a "surface mount fast switching rectifier" whatever one of those is? I cant get hold of Vishay and nobody in Australia seems to carry their range. I'm in remote northern Western Aus So I need to be sure I order the right things before I wait for freight. There are 5 of these on the board and some have flow both ways and some don't and one has no flow either way. I have a tester that allows me to test on the board. I don't have a schematic for the board as auto manufactures keep that a closely guarded secret and replacement involves programming the ecu to operate in the can bus system which is expensive and difficult given our location. I have done maybe 75 similar ones over the years and only failed on one which was too badly damaged due to an electrolyte drink getting into the box

panic mode

Joined Oct 10, 2011
I cant get hold of Vishay and nobody in Australia seems to carry their range.
standard recovery diodes recover in about 1ms. this is fine for mains frequencies.
fast recovery diodes are some 10x faster.

surface mount is type of package format (no leads).

since actual rated voltage is not clear, go with higher, specially since you may only use couple of them and the price difference is negligible...
standard electronics suppliers carry Vishay product. they are literally everywhere, apparently down under as well...

for example:*MTcxOTE4NTAzMi40LjEuMTcxOTE4NTM2OS41Ni4wLjA.