Falcon Heavy

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Joined Aug 27, 2009
OK, sounds reasonable...

Our V2 clone tests were impressive.

SpaceX even more so, the Chinese are cloning those crashes exceptionally pretty well.

The Russian's won the rocket explosion battle.
Nice pictures but the info in the video is crap.
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Our V2 clone tests were impressive.

SpaceX even more so, the Chinese are cloning those crashes exceptionally pretty well.

The Russian's won the rocket explosion battle.
Nice pictures but the info in the video is crap.
The Russians also designed and built the best rocket engines, the US with vastly more money and resources couldn't make those engines back then.

The need to feel superior to every other culture is clear here, but it's false. The Chinese people are as proud of their nations efforts to develop space technology as were Americans in the 50s and 60s. The belief, deeply held by many, that US technology is majestic, noble, but other nations is suspicious, stolen, malevolent is a social disease in the US.

Constantly describing China as immoral, as a threat, as sinister, inferior is just gulping the cool aid, the same racism the gave rise to terms like "gook" and other dehumanizing language. The US doesn't own the world, it has many terrible skeletons in the closet, take a look sometime, bring a flashlight. The constant bigotry here is frankly sickening and you just keep doing it.

Show us what you mean too by "cloned"?

The irony here though is that we have two American astronauts stranded at the ISS!
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