Display a 4-20ma output as 0-100 on a screen

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Joined May 10, 2018
Hi Folks,

Is there any way to scale a 4-20ma output into a 0-100 on a display? Does anyone know how to easily do this with electronic components rather than me using an arduino or other plc?

Thanks for the help.


Joined Jan 6, 2004
Hi Folks,

Is there any way to scale a 4-20ma output into a 0-100 on a display? Does anyone know how to easily do this with electronic components rather than me using an arduino or other plc?

Thanks for the help.
Is a micro controller an option? Have you ever programmed one?

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Joined May 10, 2018
Is a micro controller an option? Have you ever programmed one?
Yes a Micro-controller can be an option as a last resort. I have programmed loads. Just finished a degree in Mechatronic engineering so thats basically all i did for the past 4 years ha.
I dont want to use a microcontroller if possbile for the reason that its working in an agricultural environment and from my experience microcontrollers work perfect on your desk but not bouncing up and down a field.


Joined Jan 6, 2004
Yes a Micro-controller can be an option as a last resort. I have programmed loads. Just finished a degree in Mechatronic engineering so thats basically all i did for the past 4 years ha.
I dont want to use a microcontroller if possbile for the reason that its working in an agricultural environment and from my experience microcontrollers work perfect on your desk but not bouncing up and down a field.
OK Your call. A friend of mine works with all kind of machinery / instruments used in that environment. Never heard such a terminant opinion from him.
Good luck.


Joined Mar 10, 2018
You could always buy one of those cheap Ebay digital panel meters,
and using an opamp scale the 4/20 ma loop current to read out on DPM.


Regards, Dana.
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