Constant Voltage LED Driver Correct Usage Help

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Matt F

Joined Dec 17, 2018
Hi All,

I am relativity new to tinkering with electronics and was recently given a constant voltage LED Driver that has a 12VDC 1A output. I want to use it to make a small project on my breadboard, but after reading lots of information about LED drivers I think I am confusing myself more than learning.

My questions are: Is a 12VDC constant voltage Driver like a power supply in that if wanted to hook up a single 3.2v 20mA LED to it could I use the correct current limiting resistor and not harm anything? I did the math and in this scenario I got a 440ohm resistor.

If this is ok to do, could I hook up more LEDS with individual switches and be able to switch on more than one on at a time as long as I don't exceed the 1A limit of the driver?

Hope my questions make since and someone can help. Thanks


Joined Jun 22, 2012
Yes it's just a standard psu if it is Constant Voltage, and you’re correct with the resistor value., upto 1Amp current draw.


Joined Sep 24, 2015
And don't forget to calculate for wattage. The resistor is dropping 8.8 volts at 20 mA, therefore the wattage is 176 mW. You will need at least a quarter watt resistor. An eighth watt resistor would not be able to dissipate enough heat and it would burn out.