Are there any alarm system solutions, which I cannot disable or will be very difficult to disable?

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Joined Jun 1, 2021
I'm new to alarm systems, because I never used one. I want to install an alarm system which even I cannot disable after it is turned on. Are there any such alarm systems?


Joined Sep 30, 2009
If you can't disable your alarm how are you going to enter or leave your own house? Or are you keeping someone captive now?


Joined Jul 31, 2009
The house I am living in came with an alarm system. The turnover from the previous owner was not friendly for several reasons, including a dispute over the salt level in the pool. Huh?
I had found the alarm control box and thought I had disabled it during this time. After we had actually moved in we got a very loud alarm. It took me a few minutes to disconnect all the necessary wires until the darn thing shut off. I’m not a fan of alarms in home or car. Never had any problems since. We are better protected with friendly neighbors.

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Joined Jun 1, 2021
hi by,
What Event is the Alarm for.?
Not if the alarm is accessible by anyone.
I think its a legal requirement that house/vehicle alarms can be disabled, to prevent annoyance.
Can't I build for my room, which will be loud in the room to wake me but not so loud as to disturb the neighbours.
If you can't disable your alarm how are you going to enter or leave your own house? Or are you keeping someone captive now?
It is to prevent someone from sleepwalking.
Most home alarm systems are disabled by a code that only you know.
Is than not sufficient?
The one I bought is hanged on the wall, anyone can remove it and disable it by removing the batteries.
Such a system would probably be custom, but certainly possible.
How would I do that?


Joined Aug 21, 2008
Many municipalities require alarm systems to have a timer so they don’t keep the neighbors awake all night if, for example, there is a false alarm while you are away on vacation.


Joined Jan 27, 2019
I am going to interpolate a bit based on the original questions and the answers in #9.

It appears that @bypassrestrictions wants an alarm that would definitely wake them up if they began sleepwalking without their sleepwalking self being able to disable it before it did the job.

Based on this surmise, I would say that an alarm that is powered by an internal rechargeable battery (unplugging won’t stop it), and that can’t be reset until it alarms for a fixed time after being armed, might do the trick.

The idea would be that once the alarm is armed, it must be set off once for the duration of the timer, then the disarm switch will operate. It not disarmed for some interval, it would re-arm itself and the cycle would start over.

It would be a little annoying to have to hear the alarm each morning, but any other method seems relatively easy to bypass.

I suppose you could also add a disarm that required entering a long, complicated code as a backup. Though I don’t know the nature of the somnambulism so that might not prevent disarming while “asleep”.


Joined Sep 30, 2009
If it wasn't for the forum law about shocking a person, adding a high voltage low amperage to the bedroom door knob would work to keep you from sleepwalking.

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Joined Jun 1, 2021

It isn't for my neighbours, the alarm system is for me to prevent me from sleep walking.

I would be interested to hear from the TS, how he intends the alarm will be initiated??

It could trigger when I reach a certain point, like near door.

If it wasn't for the forum law about shocking a person, adding a high voltage low amperage to the bedroom door knob would work to keep you from sleepwalking.
Fortunately, in India most houses don't have door knobs.
You haven't answered the question about how you want to disable the alarm that no one can disable?
By turning it off.

Many municipalities require alarm systems to have a timer so they don’t keep the neighbors awake all night if, for example, there is a false alarm while you are away on vacation.
In India, I don't think there are any municipal laws about alarm systems.


Joined Jan 29, 2010
hi by,
I would suggest a two level alarm system, say a low level 'sound' which runs for about 20 seconds and if not cancelled goes to maximum volume.
The low level sound can only be stopped by a method which ensures you are awake.

You don't want a high level, unstoppable sound every time you get up for a pee during the night.:rolleyes:

panic mode

Joined Oct 10, 2011
touch keypad that uses skin resistance. press wrong button and get zap... or dispense chloroform ;)

seriously though, what are the problem solving abilities of a sleepwalker?