Analogue convertion and LCD display (PIC16F877)

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Joined Oct 26, 2006
Hi , I am currently learning PIC16F877 . I am trying to write a code to convert the analogue value on the potentiometer attached to RA0 and display the scaled conversion on an LCD display attached to PORTD such that when the 0V – 5V range of RA0 is converted the display reads on line 1 “VOLTAGE = X.XX V” where XXX has a value from 000 to 500.

here is the code i have for convertion , but i have no idea about how to combine this code to complete the above requests. Any help is appreicated =) .

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P.S. full code is always the best =P

//analogue input on RA0 with result sent to PORTB and PORTC

#include <pic.h>

void init_ports(void);
void init_a_d(void);
void init_ports(void)
TRISB = 0x00;
TRISC = 0x00; // set portb and portc as outputs
TRISA = 0xFF; // set the porta bits to inputs

void init_a_d(void)
ADCS1 = 1;
ADCS0 = 1; // A/D conversion clock derived from RC osc
CHS2 = 0;
CHS1 = 0;
CHS0 = 0; //select channel 0
ADON = 1; // A/D switched ON
ADCON1 = 0x00; // enable all analogue inputs
ADFM = 1; // right justified result - 6 most sig bits
//of ADRESH read as '0'

void main(void)
int result;

ADGO = 1; // start the conversion
while (ADGO= =1){}; // now wait here until the conversion is done
result = (ADRESH <<8 )+ ADRESL;
PORTB = (result>>8) & 0x00FF;
PORTC = (result & 0x00FF);


Joined Apr 20, 2004

It seems that you are having problems with the scaling of the input. If your A to D has a range of 0 - 10 volts and 8 bits resolution, then a 5 volt input will give you a conversion value of 256 (decimal). If 10 bits, then 5 volts will be a conversion of 512. Divide the result by the input voltage to get the number of conversion bits per volt. It's never even, so you have to make a rounding routine for your displayed numeric value.