monostable multivibrator circuit

  1. vouzmevoyez

    Unable to get lower duty cycle for monostable w/ astable input via opamps

    Hi, I have to keep my frequency ~800Hz which means T = 1.25ms. Using a variable resistor, I have to get a duty cycle of 65% (which I achieved @ Rpot = 23.5k ohms) and 15% when the potentiometer is at 0. However when I try to trial and error simulation values, my output waveform doubles per...
  2. J

    Monostable multivibrator BJT

    Hello, I'm a computer science student and I was assigned by my professor to make a monostable multivibrator circuit on a bread board with an unstable duration of three seconds. Keep in mind I have very little knowledge about circuitry, we were only given the schematic and were told to find the...
  3. arooooo1233

    Monostable Multivibrator circuit

    I am a student working on an assignment for a monostable multivibrator circuit that runs for 3 seconds. This picture is given, but without values. When we use TINA, it doesn't run, so we need to figure out what the values are so we can build it in real life. We have 4 days left until submission.