Wireless quick-release push button for small LED light

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Joined Jul 26, 2023
Hi all, not sure I’m in the right place but can anyone direct me where to get a small push button switch that will light a small led light wirelessly when pressed. The light will be no more than 2ft from the button so probably Bluetooth or a kinetic switch? Kinetic would be awesome if no battery is required as the light only needs to go on for a second and then off. The button can’t be a click-on click-off just when you press it the light’s up for a second and then goes off, or when you release the button the light goes off. Any suggestions muchly appreciated! I’m not looking to build from the ground up just looking if there is already anything like this out there? I’m looking for both the switch and the light as a combo, doesn’t matter what colour the light is. As long as it’s small and LED. The pic attached is just a visual example. Thanks!



Joined Aug 5, 2021
Nice set of requirements. I guess you are posting here as your search engine hasn't given you a solution. Sorry to disappoint but you are going to have to build something if you want it that small. A bigger physical OTS solution could use Apple Homekit devices.
Anyway you have a couple of options.
For as close to an unpowered set up you can get look at this Adafruit Wireless LED . You still need to add a 5 volt supply to power the coil and your button to activate the circuit but the rest comes with the kit.
For something a little more complicated you could use two ESP32 or ESP8266 with built in wifi/BLE dev board modules. They can come with a SMD led and pushbutton like your samples already fitted to the board. Add a bit of Arduino IDE C, C+ or Python, link by BLE or wifi network and you are good to go to link one button to the LED on the other board.


Joined Jan 27, 2019
Welcome to AAC.

It would be exceedingly useful for those of us who'd like to help you if you'd explain the problem you are trying to solve with this switch and LED. When you present it in this abstract way, there are so many possibilities that we are mostly guessing about the hidden parameters that are crucial to a good answer.

Your problem isn't what you've written here, that's your proposed solution. Given that you need help because you lack experience and knowledge, your best bet is to lay out the problem (and you can include your ideas of how to solve it, of course) and let the collective wisdom of AAC be most effective.


Joined Nov 29, 2009
Ya’akov - this comment should appear at the top of the page whenever anyone tries to post a query on here! So often, people post some abstract requirement that, whilst it may provide some enjoyment for people to try to imagine what it is the poster is actually aiming for, doesn't help in providing a good solution!


Joined Jan 27, 2019
Ya’akov - this comment should appear at the top of the page whenever anyone tries to post a query on here! So often, people post some abstract requirement that, whilst it may provide some enjoyment for people to try to imagine what it is the poster is actually aiming for, doesn't help in providing a good solution!
While you are correct, it is unfortunately the case that most people don’t read notices. It might help some, but probably not too many. I often say something very similar but I don‘t use boiler plate. I write something each time. I am not sure why but it seems more respectful to the poster to do that.

The problem of people presented their solution as their problem is endemic to technical forums from electronics, to programming, to metalworking—and pretty much any place where neophytes have exhausted their own technical resources and begin looking for expertise.

But, this is not on topic for this thread, so let’s get back to that and not start a tangent that does some damage to its purpose.


Joined Jul 28, 2023
Would a RKE (Remote Keyless Fob) approach be too big? Transmitter / Receiver combos are readily available at surplus supply houses.


Joined Apr 11, 2010
As long as it’s small and LED.
Ok, but define what you mean by small. Slightly larger than a single LED? Or as much as 2”x3”x1”?

For as close to an unpowered set up you can get look at this Adafruit Wireless LED .
This doesn’t come close to the TS’ requirement that the LED be up to 2 feet away.

Just use a wireless relay module.
The problem with this is that it appears to be the opposite of the TS requirements. The receiver needs to be really small, as in one LED in a holder. And it was never clear if the receiver (LED) had a power supply

When you present it in this abstract way, there are so many possibilities that we are mostly guessing about the hidden parameters that are crucial to a good answer.
Exactly what I was trying to demonstrate.


Joined Jun 5, 2013
I really think we need to get more info from the TS. I think he expects the LED to be powered by the transmitter. But that is far from clear.

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Joined Jul 26, 2023
For as close to an unpowered set up you can get look at this Adafruit Wireless LED . You still need to add a 5 volt supply to power the coil and your button to activate the circuit but the rest comes with the kit.


Thanks for this. That Adafruit is awesome! Very cool, but sadly won’t work for my purpose.

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Joined Jul 26, 2023
Ok, but define what you mean by small. Slightly larger than a single LED? Or as much as 2”x3”x1”?

This doesn’t come close to the TS’ requirement that the LED be up to 2 feet away.

The problem with this is that it appears to be the opposite of the TS requirements. The receiver needs to be really small, as in one LED in a holder. And it was never clear if the receiver (LED) had a power supply

Exactly what I was trying to demonstrate.

Thanks for this. Yeah it needs to be the 2”x3” but hopefully not the 1” thick. I’m guessing at least 5 quite bright LED’s seen from about 10m. It’s a tough one. Just press-hold, release off.

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Joined Jul 26, 2023
Nice set of requirements. I guess you are posting here as your search engine hasn't given you a solution. Sorry to disappoint but you are going to have to build something if you want it that small. A bigger physical OTS solution could use Apple Homekit devices.
Anyway you have a couple of options.
For as close to an unpowered set up you can get look at this Adafruit Wireless LED . You still need to add a 5 volt supply to power the coil and your button to activate the circuit but the rest comes with the kit.
For something a little more complicated you could use two ESP32 or ESP8266 with built in wifi/BLE dev board modules. They can come with a SMD led and pushbutton like your samples already fitted to the board. Add a bit of Arduino IDE C, C+ or Python, link by BLE or wifi network and you are good to go to link one button to the LED on the other board.
That Adafruit is awesome! Very cool, but sadly won’t work for my purpose. Thanks for the info! :)

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Joined Jul 26, 2023
Welcome to AAC.

It would be exceedingly useful for those of us who'd like to help you if you'd explain the problem you are trying to solve with this switch and LED. When you present it in this abstract way, there are so many possibilities that we are mostly guessing about the hidden parameters that are crucial to a good answer.

Your problem isn't what you've written here, that's your proposed solution. Given that you need help because you lack experience and knowledge, your best bet is to lay out the problem (and you can include your ideas of how to solve it, of course) and let the collective wisdom of AAC be most effective.
I get it it’s a problem-solving issue and knowing the reason why I’m looking to solve this problem will help shed light on the possible solutions but it’s a project I’m working on that doesn’t allow me to go into details as to why so I’m sorry if it’s created more questions. If my idea works it’s something I could potentially patent. It’s just one aspect of the project so forgive me for not outlaying the whole plan to you. I’m looking for a simple button that light’s a LED light wirelessly from 2ft away, period. I complicated things by suggesting an on/off but really just a press on, release off would suffice. Needs to be quite bright though so probably 5 LED’s. I just don’t want any wires. Thanks again for your input, appreciated.


Joined Jan 27, 2019
I get it it’s a problem-solving issue and knowing the reason why I’m looking to solve this problem will help shed light on the possible solutions but it’s a project I’m working on that doesn’t allow me to go into details as to why so I’m sorry if it’s created more questions. If my idea works it’s something I could potentially patent. It’s just one aspect of the project so forgive me for not outlaying the whole plan to you. I’m looking for a simple button that light’s a LED light wirelessly from 2ft away, period. I complicated things by suggesting an on/off but really just a press on, release off would suffice. Needs to be quite bright though so probably 5 LED’s. I just don’t want any wires. Thanks again for your input, appreciated.
Well, good luck with whatever it is. There just isn’t enough information for us to help. It’s far too ambiguous and open ended. If you expect to make money on this you should hire a consulting engineer and have them sign an NDA.

I wish you success.

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Joined Jul 26, 2023
Well, good luck with whatever it is. There just isn’t enough information for us to help. It’s far too ambiguous and open ended. If you expect to make money on this you should hire a consulting engineer and have them sign an NDA.

I wish you success.
Wow, well you just exposed yourself as a trawler looking to steal ideas on forums. You have offered no solution at all to ‘a button to illuminate LED light wirelessly within 2ft’, instead pressed on WHY do you want to do this? Which is none of your business. ‘Ambiguous and open-ended’ is a ridiculous statement to make. Adding ‘There just isn’t enough information for US to help’, who are you talking about? You are not US. Don’t assume you speak for everyone. Then, adding ‘If you expect money on this…’ shouts the reason why you are here in the first place. Finally, ‘Hire a consultant engineer’ which is what you must be. Desperate. Honestly, your contribution to this thread is defunct.


Joined Jun 5, 2013
Wow, well you just exposed yourself as a trawler looking to steal ideas on forums
That is quite an accusation. Ya’akov is possibly the most patient, kind, and helpful member of this forum, especially when it comes to difficult, demanding seekers of free design work.

I am not so kind and patient, I help only those who cooperate and give the information we need. You are wasting our time. Bye, and good luck.
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Joined Jul 26, 2023
That is quite an accusation. Ya’akov is possibly the most patient, kind, and helpful member of this forum, especially when it comes to difficult, demanding seekers of free design work.

I am not so kind and patient, I help only those who cooperate and give the information we need. You are wasting our time. Bye, and good luck.
I just wanted help solving a simple problem and what I got was WHY? He was pressing for personal details of my project before ‘potentially’ offering any solutions. That’s very weird. He basically discredited my question in the first place.