which sensor is best suited to detect human body(alive) in water?

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bayazid shah

Joined Feb 27, 2016
I am working on a project for rescuing people drowning in water. The project is on preliminary stage. So the water should not be that rough, detection range should be around 15-20 meters. I have to detect the drowning body, a water vehical is to reach that drowning person and provide a life preserver.
Now the question is can I detect the body using a single sensor or a combination of sensors? And which sensors should I use ?


Joined Sep 22, 2013
It might be possible in the future with this terahertz technology coming about. Right now you would need to equip every swimmer with a heartbeat/blood pressure sensor....some sophisticated monitoring software......and GHz network coverage. For longer distances you could used sensors with gps.


Joined Jul 5, 2008
The more I read these the more i don't want post.
If I had this idea I'd keep it to myself till I could sale it.

We have coast guard that can't do this have a hard time finding people that went in the water with the right gear on.

But I'm sure one day it will happen a FLIR would be you best bet.
big money tho I have a cheap one works great for what I use it for.

But I'm sure one could be made to find a live person. As long as you go looking in the right spot before they get to cold.


Joined Sep 22, 2013
Water has a large range of temp. How long after heart stops......does it take the body to cool?

It's a delayed response........which is contrary to water rescue. But good for finding recently deceased or live bodies. And in cold water, you want to locate all bodies.

But the TS only wants to find drowning bodies. He doesn't want a live body....or a dead one.

Heart-rate, pressure(and pattern) and respiration can detect stress. High stress is what we're looking for. It might be possible to calibrate and discern pressure from pattern.....so that a single thin tread around chest could sensor heart pattern and resp. And serve as antenna. Maybe the expansion and contraction of the thread could power it.


Joined Sep 22, 2013
Come to think of it.....a sensor like that could be useful to a lot of people with med conditions.

A simple thin thread and a chip in the arm pit. And wifi of course. Multiple threads might supply enough power.


Joined Jul 5, 2008
All search and rescue teams all over the world should have these FLIR-cameras’.

Everyone that has been at sea at night will agree that being able to see in the dark is a very important asset to any sailor, but for the Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue (NSSR) it quite literally makes the difference between life and death.
Guess I'm wrong LOL they can see you in water I think there only problem is time and if your alive or not dead long.
plus finding people to test this out so they can write the code to help it pick up what it's looking for.
I can see lot's of stuff in walls with mine water is one, mouse , bugs. maybe I'll look in the pool.
The better one's have better well software you get better video I'm sure this will be the first on the job Search and Rescue tool it's not just IR it's video to and as time goes it will pick out what it's looking for faster.
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DNA Robotics

Joined Jun 13, 2014
All you need to do is produce this kind of sensors.

Sharks have special organs called neuromasts throughout their head and along their bodies to help them sense water pressure and movement in their surroundings. These are called ampullae of Lorenzini. Each ampullae works independently to distinguish the difference in electric potential in the environment versus in the shark's body. Scientists think that this may allow sharks to detect prey, like muscle spasms originating from an injured fish.

sharks can sense fear by detecting electrical impulses given off by a diver's accelerated heartbeat
