What would be the risks involved with a ESD event inside a implant containing a IC, would the high peak current be danagerous?

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Joined Feb 24, 2006
It is hard for me to imagine how the operation of an implant could accumulate and excess of charge inside that would be capable of a discharge. Do you have any evidence of such an occurrence?


Joined Jun 5, 2013
Ah, I think I understand what you are asking. I think you mean:

If a person has an implant, and they receive a static shock, what effect does that have on the implant?

Is that correct?

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Joined Dec 26, 2023
Ah, I think I understand what you are asking. I think you mean:

If a person has an implant, and they receive a static shock, what effect does that have on the implant?

Is that correct?
Kind of, if a impant contained a IC or a PCB and it had a ESD event from a ESD gun for example (hypothetical/extreme) would the high peak current be dangerous to the human and would it cause the implant to fail?


Joined Feb 24, 2006
No worries, what are your thoughts on the proposed situation?
I don't have a good understanding of the circumstances of the body's response to an ESD gun. I've used them on products for testing, but we were never foolish enough to use them on people. There are just some things you don't screw around with. I do know that survival from a lightning strike is not certain one way or the other. The people that I knew that survived were never quite the same after the incident.


Joined Jun 5, 2013
A high current flowing by something does not mean a high voltage across it.

For instance, the bird standing on the power line example. The bird has two feet touching different parts of a wire carrying a high current. But it feels nothing because the voltage from one foot to the other is tiny.

The implant is inside the body, which mostly consists of water with dissolved electrolytes, i.e. highly conductive. So, there should not be much voltage across it. When we receive a shock, most of the resistance is in the skin, not inside the body, so that would be where the voltage difference is highest.

Pierce the skin with electrodes (taser) and the situation is different, but in that case most of the current would flow in the region between the electrodes.

Certainly, receiving a shock by walking across the carpet in your socks and touching a doorknob would not be harmful to an implant, or we would be hearing of people with pacemakers being killed by doorknobs all the time.


Joined Jun 5, 2013
What type of implants are you talking about? A quick search reveals that it is sometimes a problem with cochlear implants.

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Joined Dec 26, 2023
Is this
Home work
A thought experiment
Finding how to kill someone ?
Re can esd damage electrical circuits , yes
Re can a circuit inside a conductive box suffer esd from outside, no,
Is the human body conductive, yes.
Most likely reason to have a current insde a person, would be a de fib.
I have a PCB placed behind either ear, used for two way communication with some people manipulating and abusing me. i am trying to destroy them as soon as possible. i got a CT scan at the end of august (can be seen on scan, GP and second opinion both gave different answers and tried asking me if i think it is mental health, which it isn't because there is more to the story. Since then the PCBs have been overheating from time to time leading to skin on the surface and ear to be extremely hot and red. there is constant noise in the left side but communication in both is relatively clear. Quieter these days than a year or so ago. I saw ESD can damage electrics instantly and isn't seriously harmful to humans if precautions are taken. i am trying to work out how to safely zap these chips.

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Joined Dec 26, 2023
What type of implants are you talking about? A quick search reveals that it is sometimes a problem with cochlear implants.
it is something like a cohlear implant but it is just a PCB without any sheilding other than thin bone and protection the skin above provide
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