Unlock the Power of Collaboration: Seeking Your Expertise on My Circuit Odyssey! ⚙️

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Joined May 10, 2024
project link >>> (site promotion removed)

Hey everyone! I'm fairly new to circuit design and I've been working on a project that I'm really excited about. I'd love to get some feedback and constructive criticism on my design to help me improve. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out like me, any insights or suggestions you have would be incredibly valuable. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas and thank you in advance for your positive feedback and help! ️ Please let me know what I got right or wrong and if you have feedback can you make it as detailed and concise as possible, please.

A major area I struggle with is calculating the proper trace widths so any feedback there or on the board layout in general is appreciated.

Above is a link to the project website in question and attached are my schematics and board design. Thank you for any help on this. Can't wait to get better :) (Yes i know the traces are not pretty and the BIG CURRENT layer i was just playing around with how to do a 4 layer board)Board Layout.jpgSchematic.jpgHardware list.jpg


Joined Nov 6, 2012
You need to use a Chip that is specifically designed for use in a Push-Pull-Inverter application.

There is no Voltage-Regulation-Feedback,
and there is no 50 or 60hz modulation of the Output,
this means, at best, that this Circuit will only be of any value if the Transformer-Output
is Rectified and Filtered to create a High-Voltage-DC-Output
which will have a Voltage that floats-around all over the place in an unpredictable manner.

You need to "Simulate" your Circuit on your Computer to analyse it and make the appropriate adjustments
needed BEFORE thinking about designing a Circuit-Board.
Things will change as the project becomes more refined.

Maybe the Schematic attached below will give You some ideas, ( if You want a DC-Supply ).

If You want an AC Supply,
I would suggest that You purchase one already built,
especially considering that You are new.
AC-Output certainly can be done as a Hobby-Project, but it adds considerable complexity.
GDI Injector Driver Power Suppy .png
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