Two electronics connecting to same ground?

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Joined Sep 10, 2020
Hi there, I am replacing a water heater in an RV and the previous ground wire is bad. The positive supplies 12.7 volts about. There is a Gas Leak Detector nearby with a good ground wire. Can I connect the water heater to this same ground wire? My concern is that the Gas Leak Detector is directly connected to the chassis battery as a backup and is technically always on, while the water heater has a switch that cuts power to it. Will connecting the water heater to the existing ground wire be an issue?


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Joined Sep 10, 2020
The Gas Leak Detector is analog. Though, as a power backup it is hardwired to the chassis batteries which are difficult to disconnect. I ended up running a new wire through a hole in the floor and grounding to a bolt on the chassis’ frame. Thank you for the guidance.


Joined Aug 21, 2008
Not know the signal levels but being aware of the huge currents that pas through the electrical system, particularly while cranking, I separate ground return for the signal and connection to the chassis only at one end or the other. If I were doing it and just wanted to do it once I would definitely send and receive differentially. Additional precautions like shielding might be needed and you might have to wait until you try it to find out.