Technics-SEHDV600 audio amp separate using standalone

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Joined Oct 8, 2017
Good Morning

I have a Technics-SEHDV600 audio amp separate that I would like to use stand alone.
I have attached the service manual.
I think I need to put an analogue dc cmos logic high on pin 5 of the ribbon connector.
any suggestions of a sensible safe way of doing this?


David Hills



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Joined Oct 8, 2017
Good Morning

I have made some small progress in getting this amplifier working on its own
on powering up, only the 12volt supply on pin 12 of the ribbon cable comes up
I put a voltage divider using 10k and 2k resister across it and pin 9 D-gnd and feed 2volts to
pin 5 power.

this switched on relay 101 on power transformer 2 circuit, which brought up the other supply voltages.
I then input and audio signal though pin 1,2,3 of the ribbon cable.

Now the head phone socket on the front of the amplifier is working.

I am getting no speaker output though.

There is a Power amp IC called RSN314H41 which has 14 pins on the Main Circuit
8 pins are audio in and out
2 pins are +/- 19.7 supply voltage
1 pin is ground

that leaves these 3 pins I'm not sure about
pin 12 +IN(GND) guessing this is just 12 volts
pin 8 -VM(marked -15.1) anyone know what VM is (Volume perhaps) and what value it needs
pin 6 AC IN (What this ? any ideas)
