Square Wave Generation Accuracy/Resolution around 100kHz

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Joined Jul 14, 2016
Hi all,

I'm currently having an issue figuring out how to attain decent resolution when generating square waves around 100kHz. I am looking for a very cost effective solution, I may add.

For example, I am currently using a microcontroller. It's cheap and it can generate square waves pretty easily. But when working around 100kHz with a 16MHz clock you can only divide by clock cycles to reach a particular frequency.

An easily understood example, say it takes one clock cycle for square wave high and a second clock cycle for square wave low. That means the highest frequency achievable is 8MHz. At 100k the microcontroller is waiting 80 clock cycles for a full square wave. 8M / 80 cycles = 100kHz

But here comes the monkey wrench: the next closest achievable frequency would be 8M / 79 cycles = 101265Hz! That's 1265Hz to the next achievable frequency!

I would like to continue to use a microcontroller but I was hoping to keep a resolution of 100Hz or better. I am open to analog circuits as well. I at least would like to control/set the frequency with a microcontroller.

I've been racking my brain over this problem, someone please enlighten me! Thanks!

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Joined Jul 14, 2016
True. Thanks that is a great suggestion.

I guess I didn't explain how cheap I was hoping for. The end goal is not for one bench-top setup, I am attempting make a product to sell so that's more expensive than most of the other electronic components combined.


Joined Apr 7, 2016
I come to mind two other options: Phase Lock Loop frequency multiplication and Direct Digital Synthesis.

A PLL solution could be with an HEF4046, a counter and an accurate reference frequency of the desired resolution. PLL circuits may have problems if you want large changes to the output frequency to occur immediately or want a large output frequency range.

A DDS solution, however, is quick to change the output frequency and has a resolution down to fractional Hz, but there will always be a residual phase noise at the output and it is probably the most expensive of the two mentioned solutions.


Joined Aug 23, 2012
You saying that you want to keep a resolution of 100Hz or better, control/set the frequency with a uC then how is the range of frequency?

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Joined Jul 14, 2016
Right, good reminder ScottWang, I didn't really specify the range. I'm not entirely sure yet but I'd say around 5kHz.

Thanks Kjeldgaard. PLL is something that has popped up in my searches but I wasn't entirely sure about it yet. Will look into those solutions!
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Joined Feb 14, 2010
Take a peek at the recent Microchip PIC 16F18xxx series devices which include an NCO (numerically controlled oscillator) with 20-bit phase accumulator and phase increment registers.

I recently used the NCO in an 8-pin 16F18313 device ($1.08) to generate a 1.8432-MHz (~0.00004% tolerance) clock signal for an ACIA chip on a retro 65C02 computer (listing below). IIRC, frequency resolution was ~15.25-Hz with a 32-MHz NCO input frequency.

If you can find something like a 4194304-Hz crystal, I believe you could generate a square wave over a range of 2-Hz to 2097150-Hz in 2-Hz increments (phase increment value = desired_output_frequency / 2). If you need a rotary encoder or switches and/or a display, you might want to look at the 14-pin 16F18323 ($1.21) or the 20-pin 16F18345 ($1.67).

Good luck on your project.

Cheerful regards, Mike (K8LH)

;                                                                 *
;    Project: 65C02_ClockGen                                      *
;       File: 16F18313_Clock.asm                                  *
;     Author: Mike McLaren, K8LH                                  *
;    (C)2016: Micro Application Consultants                       *
;           : All Rights Reserved                                 *
;       Date: 04-Apr-2016                                         *
;                                                                 *
;    16F18313 Clock-Gen + Econo-Reset for 65C02 (8-MHz crystal)   *
;    produces a 1, 2, 4, or 8 MHz CPU clock and an ACIA clock.    *
;                                                                 *
;        IDE: MPLABX v3.05                                        *
;       Lang: MPASM v5.62 (absolute addressing mode)              *
;                                                                 *

        #include p16F18313.inc
        errorlevel -302,-311    ; suppress bank warnings
        list st=off             ; symbol table off
        radix dec

;  config settings                                                ~

; CLKOUTEN_OFF default
; CSWEN_ON     default
; MCLRE_ON     default
; PWRTE_OFF    default
; LPBOREN_OFF  default
; BOREN_ON     default
; BOREN_LOW    default
; STVREN_ON    default
; DEBUG_OFF    default
; WRT_OFF      default

;  variables                                                      ~
        cblock  0x70            ; common RAM available any bank
delayhi                         ; DelayCy() subsystem variable

;  constants                                                      ~
;  assign clock and reset pins (RA0..RA2 inclusive).
PHI0_clk equ    RA0             ; bit index for RA0 (0)
ACIA_clk equ    RA1             ; bit index for RA1 (1)
RESB_out equ    RA2             ; bit index for RA2 (2)
;  associate to "Peripheral Pin Select" output registers.
PHI0_PPS equ    RA0PPS+PHI0_clk ; equ RA0PPS
ACIA_PPS equ    RA0PPS+ACIA_clk ; equ RA1PPS
RESB_PPS equ    RA0PPS+RESB_out ; equ RA2PPS
;  set 'CLKR_div' constant for desired 65C02 clock frequency.
;               6 ->  0.5-MHz (Fosc / 64)
;               5 ->  1.0-MHz (Fosc / 32)
;               4 ->  2.0-MHz (Fosc / 16)
;               3 ->  4.0-MHz (Fosc / 8)
;               2 ->  8.0-MHz (Fosc / 4)
CLKR_div equ    4               ; 2.0-MHz PHI0 CPU clock
;  set 'NCO1_inc' constant for desired ACIA clock output.
;          2517 ->    38400-Hz (  2400 * 16) @ 0.01659%
;          5033 ->    76800-Hz (  4800 * 16) @ 0.00327%
;         10066 ->   153600-Hz (  9600 * 16) @ 0.00327%
;         20133 ->   307200-Hz ( 19200 * 16) @ 0.00169%
;         40265 ->   614400-Hz ( 38400 * 16) @ 0.00079%
;         60398 ->   921600-Hz ( 57600 * 16) @ 0.00004%
;        120796 ->  1843200-Hz (115200 * 16) @ 0.00004%
;        241592 ->  3686400-Hz (230400 * 16) @ 0.00004%
NCO1_inc equ    120796          ; 1.8432-MHz (115200 * 16)

;  K8LH DelayCy() subsystem macro generates four instructions     ~
        radix dec
clock   equ     32              ; 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 (MHz), etc.
usecs   equ     clock/4         ; cycles/microsecond multiplier
msecs   equ     usecs*1000      ; cycles/millisecond multiplier
dloop   equ     5               ; loop size, 5 to ??? cycles
;  -- loop --  -- delay range --  -- memory overhead ----------
;  5-cyc loop, 11..327690 cycles,  9 words (+4 each macro call)
;  6-cyc loop, 11..393226 cycles, 10 words (+4 each macro call)
;  7-cyc loop, 11..458762 cycles, 11 words (+4 each macro call)
;  8-cyc loop, 11..524298 cycles, 12 words (+4 each macro call)
;  9-cyc loop, 11..589834 cycles, 13 words (+4 each macro call)
DelayCy macro   cycles          ; range, see above
    if (cycles<11)|(cycles>(dloop*65536+10))
        error " DelayCy range error "
        movlw   high((cycles-11)/dloop)+1
        movwf   delayhi
        movlw   low ((cycles-11)/dloop)
        call    uLoop-((cycles-11)%dloop)

;  reset vector                                                   *
        org     0x0000
        bra     setup           ;                                 |00

;  interrupt vector                                               *
        org     0x0004
        retfie                  ;                                 |??

;  main setup                                                     *

;  turn off analog functions (all I/O will be digital).
        banksel ANSELA          ; bank 03                         |03
        clrf    ANSELA          ; analog off, digital I/O         |03
;  setup data direction for 'output' pins (default 'input').
        banksel TRISA           ; bank 01                         |01
        bcf     TRISA,PHI0_clk  ; set phi0 clock pin as output    |01
        bcf     TRISA,ACIA_clk  ; set acia clock pin as output    |01
        bcf     TRISA,RESB_out  ; set resb reset pin as output    |01
;  clear RESB pin output latch (hold the 65C02 in reset).
        banksel LATA            ; bank 02                         |02
        bcf     LATA,RESB_out   ; RESB_out = '0'                  |02
;  setup Fosc for 32-MHz (external 8-MHz crystal and 4xPLL).
        banksel OSCCON1         ; bank 18                         |18
        movlw   b'00010000'     ; -001---- NOSC[2:0], Ext 4xPLL   |18
                                ; ----0000 NDIV[3:0], Clk Div 1   |18
        movwf   OSCCON1         ; 8-MHz Xtal & 4xPLL -> 32-MHz    |18
        btfss   OSCCON3,ORDY    ; OSC stable? yes, skip, else     |18
        bra     stable          ; loop (wait 'til OSC stable)     |18
;  assign PHI0_clk pin (RA0) and ACIA_clk pin (RA1) resources
;  via 'Peripheral Pin Select'.
        banksel PPSLOCK         ; bank 28                         |28
        movlw   0x55            ; PPS unlock sequence             |28
        movwf   PPSLOCK         ;  "                              |28
        movlw   0xAA            ;  "                              |28
        movwf   PPSLOCK         ;  "                              |28
        bcf   PPSLOCK,PPSLOCKED ;  "                              |28
        banksel PHI0_PPS        ; bank 29                         |29
        movlw   b'00011110'     ; assign CLKR (Ref Clock) output  |29
        movwf   PHI0_PPS        ; to the PHI0 clock pin (RA0)     |29
        movlw   b'00011101'     ; assign NCO module output to     |29
        movwf   ACIA_PPS        ; the ACIA clock pin (RA1)        |29
        banksel PPSLOCK         ; bank 28                         |28
        bsf   PPSLOCK,PPSLOCKED ; all done, lock it up            |28
;  setup CLKR (Reference Clock) module for PHI0 CPU Clock.
        banksel CLKRCON         ; bank 07                         |07
        movlw   0x10|CLKR_div   ; 50% duty cycle & divider bits   |07
        movwf   CLKRCON         ; prep 1, 2, 4, or 8-MHz output   |07
        bsf     CLKRCON,CLKREN  ; enable Reference Clock output   |07
;  setup NCO to generate the ACIA clock.
        banksel NCO1CON         ; bank 08                         |08
;       bcf     NCO1CON,N1PFM   ; fixed duty cycle mode (default) |08
        movlw   b'00000001'     ; N1CKS<1:0> = '01' = Fosc        |08
        movwf   NCO1CLK         ; set NCO clock source            |08
        clrf    NCO1ACCL        ; clear 20-bit phase accumulator  |08
        clrf    NCO1ACCH        ;  "                              |08
        clrf    NCO1ACCU        ;  "                              |08
        movlw   low(NCO1_inc)   ; setup 20-bit phase increment    |08
        movwf   NCO1INCL        ;  "                              |08
        movlw   high(NCO1_inc)  ;  "                              |08
        movwf   NCO1INCH        ;  "                              |08
        movlw   upper(NCO1_inc) ;  "                              |08
        movwf   NCO1INCU        ;  "                              |08
        bsf     NCO1CON,N1EN    ; enable NCO module output        |08
;  complete the 65C02 reset cycle.
        DelayCy(20*msecs)       ; wait ~20-msecs                  |08
        banksel LATA            ; bank 02                         |02
        bsf     LATA,RESB_out   ; release 65C02 from reset        |02

;  main loop                                                      *

        bra     loop            ; loop forever (until reset)      |02

;  K8LH DelayCy() subsystem 16-bit 'uLoop' timing subroutine      ~
a = dloop-1
    while a > 0
        nop                     ; (cycles-11)%dloop entry points  |??
a -= 1
uLoop   addlw   -1              ; subtract 'dloop' loop time      |??
        skpc                    ; borrow? no, skip, else          |??
        decfsz  delayhi,F       ; done?  yes, skip, else          |??
        goto    uLoop-dloop+5   ; do another loop                 |??
        return                  ;                                 |??

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Joined Jul 14, 2016
Yeah the device would have a display. A uC is definitely needed either way, so that solution greatly simplifies things! Will certainly keep you in mind Mike after I get through this early prototype stuff.

Electro Kid

Joined Apr 23, 2017
If I understood you correctly... You can't get the output frequency of a pin lowerer, due to the lack of clock devision?

Well, set the µC to 16Mhz and set up a variable for a counter... let the counter count each clockcycle and change the state of the output each time the counter reached your specific number of cycles and don't forget to set the counter back to 0


If the µC counts every clock cycle at 16MHz and you count till 1.000.000 to change the state, you would end up with changing the state every 16Hz

Example code C:

int cntr = 0



if (cntr == 1000000){
// change state of output
cntr = 0;

that way you would end up with 8Hz if the µC adds 1 to the counter every clock cycle.


Joined Aug 23, 2012
Do you mean the range of frequency is from 5kHz~100kHz within 100Hz tolerance?

The general function generator has three different waveform and range of frequency is from around 1Hz~1MHz and the further is 0.1Hz ~ 10MHz, so when you design this frequency generator, where is the market?