Protective Epoxy... removal???

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Joined Oct 16, 2006
I have a couple electronics items which I would like to repair, however, the faulty components are under black protective coatings and I can't get access to them or even identify what they are...

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this stuff off? (i already tried scratching it away) It looks like some sort of fiberglass material because it breaks off in little "hairs" which are very uncomfortable to get underneath your nail...

I tried google, but couldn't even really find a good set of keywords other than "protective epoxy" and a couple others which went nowhere...


Joined Apr 20, 2004

Acetone will do the trick, but it also takes off paint and the epoxy in FR4 galss pc boards. Not to mention the explosive vapors. Be careful, and don't expect to be able to recognize the stuff underneath.


Joined Feb 24, 2006
Abandon hope all ye who remove black protective coatings. Even if you could get the stuff off your chances of identifying, obtaining, and replacing the custom ASIC underneath are nil.


Joined Oct 14, 2005
It depends on your budget. If you are prepared to pay big money, then it is possible. But I don't think it is worth it just to repair things. There are equipments that can strip those kind of coating/potting. Or companies that are able to do them.