Parallel LM317 - a single control component

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Joined Dec 10, 2016
I would need to deal with one problem. I have a parallel wiring adjustable voltage stabilizers LM317. I need to regulate the output voltage of a single control element. The output of each channel 2-5V and max 1,5A. The picture is preliminary layout diagram.
Does anyone have any ideas for a solution?


Joined Aug 1, 2013
What you show is three independent outputs stacked up in series like three batteries. From pad 6 to pad 3, the output can vary from 6 V to 15 V. I don't think that's what you want, but that's what you drew.

The LM317 datasheet shows how to add one external power transistor to boost the output current while having only one adjustment point. This is less work and less cost than what you propose.

Separate from that, there are high-current regulators such as the LM350 that will do this. How much output current do you need?


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Joined Dec 10, 2016
Mělo by být zdrojem pro testování baterií obvody (BMS), takže by to mělo chovat jako baterií v sérii. Po připojení k BMS musím nastavit napětí na každém výstupu pro stejnou hodnotu (asi 4 napěťových úrovní). Chtěl bych vyzkoušet informačních signálů o bateriích na PCB BMS.
Máte nějaké nápady pro ovládání regulátory napětí, například jeden potenciometr?


Joined Mar 14, 2008
Mělo by být zdrojem pro testování baterií obvody (BMS), takže by to mělo chovat jako baterií v sérii. Po připojení k BMS musím nastavit napětí na každém výstupu pro stejnou hodnotu (asi 4 napěťových úrovní). Chtěl bych vyzkoušet informačních signálů o bateriích na PCB BMS.
Máte nějaké nápady pro ovládání regulátory napětí, například jeden potenciometr?
Sorry, you'll have to translate that into English.


Joined Sep 17, 2013
According to Google, that is Czech for "It should be a source for battery testing circuitry (BMS), so it should behave like batteries in series. Once connected to the BMS must adjust the voltage on each output for the same value (about 4 voltage levels). I would like to try out information signals on batteries for PCB BMS. Do you have any ideas for controlling voltage regulators, such as a potentiometer?"


Joined Aug 1, 2013
that's an interesting language.
That's a useless response.

Here's another translation:

I'm building a system that simulates three batteries in series using three LM317's. Even though there is no common GND among the three circuits, I need the outputs to be adjustable with a single pot (not one pot with three gangs) over the range of 2 v to 5 V. Also, the outputs should track within 0.x V (don't know yet). I understand that unequal loading might cause unequal output voltage changes, but if they track unloaded, that's good enough.
