Modular board connection

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Joined Jul 20, 2015

I produce boards that can pilot some automation applications.
They are usually boards with a large dissipator beneath and they are divided
into a couple of sections: power supply, automation control, microcontroller and I/O communications. All these sections are integrated into one single board.
My problem is that I have to produce many boards with different specs. So for instance one board version could have just the power supply different, while another version of the board has only the I/O different or the micro.
That way, I'm obligated to produce many boards versions.

So i came up with an idea, which is to produce a different board for any section. A board for the power supply, a board for the automation control, one for i/o etc. And somehow connect the boards between them on top of the dissipator.

The problem i'm facing is to find a secure way to connect them. I cannot use a shield configuration like an arduino board or simply connect them with some kind of jumpers. That is because the boards have to work in a harsh industrial environment for a long time.

Do you have any idea of how can i achieve this kind of configuration? Basically what i'm searching for, is a cheap and safe way of connect these boards between them. Thank you in advance!


Joined Jul 18, 2013
For Industrial control of the I/O section is commonly done with Modbus.
Most PLC's etc use a low voltage such as 24vdc for control circuitry.
A little more on the system and environment would help to assist in any design.
Also manuf such as Opto-22 have semi intelligent control systems and busses, the I/O module boards can be picked up quite cheap.Also:-

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Joined Jul 20, 2015
Thank you for your reply. The board usually doesn't have a case or a package and it's put into a panel like this
I'm not looking for a protocol, instead i'm looking for a physical connection type.
Moreover the separate boards would be very close to each other (less than a 1cm) and the connection should be direct. So something like a flat cable should do the job, but is bulky, expensive and not fit in this application since there are lots of electromagnetic disturbances. There could be inverters and other applications near.


Joined Jul 18, 2013
You can get ribbon cable with screening.
I would not consider it bulky OR expensive.
Belden 9L283XX
The alternative is individually shielded pairs with O.A. braid shield.

Nick Bacon

Joined Nov 7, 2016
I work for a company that makes equipment that is used in the oil refinery and power generation industry. A lot of the equipment we make have board interconnections and have work reliably for years. Attached are some pictures. They use right angle brackets the old them in place.

connections.jpg connections-1.jpg connections-2.jpg