Mod 60 counter with start/stop button reset or skip


Joined Mar 31, 2012
So how about dealing with the logic level and bounce issues on your switches (don't worry about whether they may or may not be allowed by the assignment) and see if that is the cause of the problems. If that solves it, then talk to the instructor to see if that solution is acceptable. If it doesn't solve the problem, then at least you have ruled it out as the cause.


Joined Aug 1, 2013
Please explain the operation of each section of each counter. Based on the title of mod 60, I think there is a wiring error.


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Alfred Pang

Joined Jan 8, 2016
Please explain the operation of each section of each counter. Based on the title of mod 60, I think there is a wiring error.

I wire the mod 60 counter in this way which is the start and stop will be connected to the MOD-6 counter (PIN 14 and exit on PIN 12) then it goes to the NAND Gate with the input of clock pulse before going to MOD-10 counter PIN 14, so the starting count will start on the mod 10 first, when it hit the count of 9 it will reset MOD-10counter in the same time it send a signal to the MOD-6 counter to count up one time, it repeat the process until 59 and goes back to 0 0 (IF never reset halfway). But even if i never press the reset button, i just press the start/stop button it will reset or skip counting. Extra info, when the circuit is totally off not connected to battery , when it just start up and run, the start/stop button works fine, but after a few press on the start/stop button it will reset or skip the counting.


Joined Aug 1, 2013
When the counter gets to 60 and rolls over to zero, it is stopped by U2A/U6A; it does not continue to count up through another cycle. Is this what you want, or do you want it to keep counting?

I'm a bit surprised that the start/stop switch works at all. I'm not surprised that the circuit operation changes as the parts warm up. The inputs to U5 pin 14 and U9A are floating when they should be grounded. For both switches, connecting together the two right-side pins should improve the circuit stability.
