method of charging any type of battery


Joined May 11, 2009
Eh... I hope you understand that this a joke. A good one also:D. But these kind of things belong in off-topic section.


Joined Nov 13, 2011
actually you dont need another battery, you can recharge batteries with that method by using the dead battery only.

in a battery, electrical charge is pushed from one side (+) to the other (-), thats how you get current flow. when the battery is dead, all of the flow is on the (-) side, so to put that back into the (+) side all you have to do is make an electrical bridge between the (-) and (+) sides. i used a golf club. it needs to be something metal and thick, otherwise you will cause a fire much quicker.

dont do this with the battery still inside the vehicle, you dont want to cause any RF interference with your electronics. its best to put the battery in the middle of a harvested corn field and just drop the golf club on it and run away, as there is a chance of explosion. once you come back, if there is anything left, you will have more energy on the (+) then you did before.

Thread Starter


Joined Oct 26, 2011
if you strip some steel wire armoured cable with wiires connected with sellotape(the supa conducting double sided stuff)to the flat battery and connect it to a 3phase supply and switch on it charges faster.....


Joined Jul 30, 2010
actually you dont need another battery, you can recharge batteries with that method by using the dead battery only.

in a battery, electrical charge is pushed from one side (+) to the other (-), thats how you get current flow. when the battery is dead, all of the flow is on the (-) side, so to put that back into the (+) side all you have to do is make an electrical bridge between the (-) and (+) sides. i used a golf club. it needs to be something metal and thick, otherwise you will cause a fire much quicker.

dont do this with the battery still inside the vehicle, you dont want to cause any RF interference with your electronics. its best to put the battery in the middle of a harvested corn field and just drop the golf club on it and run away, as there is a chance of explosion. once you come back, if there is anything left, you will have more energy on the (+) then you did before.
I think its the other way round? Electrons are negative!So there would be no charge on the negative terminal if the battery was dead.