Thread Starter


Joined Jun 13, 2024
You are given a design board with two 4-bit input pins A and B and two output pins: a 4-bit Q and a 1-bit R. Build from gates a circuit that computes (A + B)/2 and asserts it on pin Q. The remainder from the division should be asserted on pin R. For example, if the input is 4 and 2, the output should be 3 for Q and 0 for R, and if the input is -5 and
-2, your circuit should assert -4 on Q and 1 on R.
Assume that A and B are 2's complement numbers. Your solution should produce the correct result for any values of A and B.
For your convenience, a one-bit adder circuit is provided in the template . circrd-T02L1e01. circ attached. That circuit is named
"one-bit-adder" and you can use it as a chip in your design. Please do not rename any circuits.

Thread Starter


Joined Jun 13, 2024
You are given a design board with two 4-bit input pins A and B and two output pins: a 4-bit Q and a 1-bit R. Build from gates a circuit that computes (A + B)/2 and asserts it on pin Q. The remainder from the division should be asserted on pin R. For example, if the input is 4 and 2, the output should be 3 for Q and 0 for R, and if the input is -5 and
-2, your circuit should assert -4 on Q and 1 on R.
Assume that A and B are 2's complement numbers. Your solution should produce the correct result for any values of A and B.
For your convenience, a one-bit adder circuit is provided in the template . circrd-T02L1e01. circ attached. That circuit is named
"one-bit-adder" and you can use it as a chip in your design. Please do not rename any circuits.
This is what i had got but i know i am very far off.

