logic of floating gate driver for biasing mosfet and TGA2590 power amplifier

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yef smith

Joined Aug 2, 2020
Hello,The output of DB02S2415A difference is 15V , this floating voltage supply goes into UCC5304DWVR which creates again a floating voltage for NDT3055L NMOS.
This floating voltage opens the NMOS and current goes threw from drain to source.
The problem starts with the parts that is not present in the schematics.
I need to connect TGA2590 power amplifier to J4 node. It needs 20V on the drain.
How do i make sure i have the desired 20V on that node and get the current of the NDT3055L(which was opened by the floating voltage of UCC5304DWVR)?
If there is some method i could use? because this floating voltage is confusing. i am used to this of voltage where each node has exact voltage with respect to some reference.



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yef smith

Joined Aug 2, 2020
Update: I need some how to make 24V into 20V and make it pulsating open and close like the V2 because currently forsing steady 20V which is not good. is athere something that could be done?
