It Is Safe To Live Near 70kv AC Three Phase Double Line Power Cable ?


Joined Aug 21, 2017
RE: D.Cappels ""1990's when somebody noticed a tiny correlation between homes close to high voltage power lines""
Cant give any exact reference except my memory, but about 2000 I read probably The Times or somewhere else that one russian mathematician had solved the old times unaccessible equation thus the three-wire power grid wires may become calculable at regime like QMS (quadrupole mas selector) do with equation of Matthieu. Thus, four-wire QMS is well recognized mol-mass sensitive trap for substances by adjusting the voltage. Therefore, no doubt that three-wire line as well may serve as the mass filter selectively concentrating around itself the certain mass molecules. And there was written that Environmental Agency of UK was calculated an average high voltage transport lines and get a figure showing that works specifically for Radon ions. Then they made a control experiment for measuring the Radon concentrations for about 2000 residential houses standing near such power lines and got a knowledge that 40% of hoses standing away farer than 300 meters are overexposed; but standing nearer whole 99% are critically overexposed. As known the slightly radioactive Radon gas is non-stop creating out of any deep-layer waters, granite, basalt, mica etc, thus it is everywhere in the natural background. Just the thing is that You should not to concentrate it before inhaling. Because it is completely innocent gas except if inhaled concentrated what leads to long and long irradiating (mostly with alpha) inhaler from inside. Just a decade after I bought a Canadian residential Radon monitoring device with aim to check this relation by myself. However in my eternal dumbness I decided to measure beforehand how much radon contains my bathroom. The result was overscale the measurer and from that the vary day it shows error number 40 (none dont know really what it means). I tried to send it for repair many times, but seems it is cheaper to throw it out as to make any due repair.
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Joined Aug 21, 2017
RE:""The body is much too small to interact with EM waves at that frequency""
So, let bit widden the logics. You have an ink-printer applying the microscopic ink droplets charged and steered by electrostatic electrodes. At least some 40 years beforehand I read so is printed all the NYT newspaper lot each night. Then why the tiny droplets are impacted by field whose wavelenght is even more than Your calculated kilometers. Okay, let the electron flies into TV kinesope. There the frequency is 25 Hz thus the wavelength is even double of Your calculated, meanwhile electron size is in order of 2E-10 meter large. So, do indeed my memory told wrong that once I seen a moving pictures on that blueyed cyclope screen??


Joined Jun 5, 2013
Interaction with an electric field is not the same thing as interaction with EM waves. There is no net charge on the transmission line , so it does not produce an electrostatic field.

It takes an antenna of about 1/4 the wavelength to get significant power transfer frim an EM wave.

However, as I implied, power can be picked up via induction, but I don’t think we have any coils in our body.



Joined Aug 21, 2017
Bob, do You mean Your argument is so much strong that Worldwide Standard adopted by most of nations on Planet including America the Great, what is based on tens of thousands research commands scriptures should be condemned and forgotten?? I am curious if...
By the way, about lack of wires and coils in the body. When in the childhood at school I learned biology course, teacher told we have a blood vessels, lymp vessels etc vessels in body filled with electrolytes. If not agree knowing it is no true, I`m interested in to hear. Even skin is considered in ICIRP as rather good "wire", just read it through with explanatory chapter. The keywords are Icnirp-98; Icnirp-2010; Icnirp-2020. By the way, if antenna is substantially shorter than lambda devide to (even) 40, still it is the antenna only less effective. But between L/4 and L/10 it is still effective enough. And Human skin "antenna" have effective length around 2 meters if only You are not expecting to live between pigmey tribes having only meter tall :)
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