I have GPS data, convert LAT&LON, display on LCD good, but trouble saving values

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Joined Jan 23, 2018
pic18f4520, mplab xc8. I redid my gps coding and I using an interrupt for each gps receive. My original plan was to convert the data into usable values (googlemap) (29.xxxxxx,-83.xxxxxx) and send sms. I have just that showing up on LCD, but I need to recall these exact converted figures to resend SMS (located right after the LCD function). I'm trying to store lat and lon into their own buffers/arrays, but having slight difficulty. If you scroll down to bottom where I convert the lat and lon values you'll see I'm trying to store the value into buffer (See LAT), LON), at top I have char LAT[9], char LON[10]. Trying to display the LAT data on line 4 in my while loop I'm only getting "2" which is 1st # in that data, what am I doing wrong ?

#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
#define GGA_buf_Size 80
#define GGA_Pointers_Size 20
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
void LCDinit(), LCDcmd(int unicorn), LCDstring(char *unicorn), LCDdata(int unicorn);
char UART_Init(const long int baudrate),UART_Read(),UART_Data_Ready();
void UART_Data(char data), UART_String(char *text), SMS(void), GPS_get(void), Delay_Ms(unsigned int delay);
float LON_Convert(float raw), LAT_Convert(float raw),GPS_LON(unsigned char LON_pointer), GPS_LAT(char LAT_pointer);
void TIME_Convert(unsigned long int UTC_Time);
unsigned long int GPS_Time();
void UART_Data(char data), UART_String(char *text);
unsigned char i, GPGGA_point[GGA_Pointers_Size]; // stores the comma instances;
char GPGGA_buf[GGA_buf_Size], GPGGA_code[3], COMMA_i, Data_buf[15];
LAT[9];                              // SAVE these for SMS
volatile unsigned int GPGGA_i;
volatile unsigned char GPGGA_string = 0;
void interrupt GPS_Retrieve();

char UART_Init(const long int BAUD){
unsigned int x;
x = (_XTAL_FREQ - BAUD*64)/(BAUD*64);
if(x>255){x = (_XTAL_FREQ - BAUD*16)/(BAUD*16),BRGH = 1;}
if(x<256){SPBRG = x,SYNC = 0,SPEN = 1,TRISC7 = 1,TRISC6 = 1,CREN = 1,TXEN = 1;
return 1;}
return 0;}

int main(){
ADCON1 = 0b00001111; // sets A to digital only
OSCCON = 0x72; // Internal Clock 8Mhz
TRISA = 0b00111100; // LED A0 (r),A1 (g)
TRISB = 0b11111111; // Interrupts B0,B1
TRISD = 0b01100000; // LCD: E-D7,RS-D4, Data-3:0
TRISC = 0b11111111;



LCDcmd(0x80),LCDstring(" TEAM UNICORN "),LCDcmd(0xC0),LCDstring("My Horse is Amazing"),LCDcmd(0x94);
LCDstring(""),LCDcmd(0xD4),LCDstring("Searching Satellites");

char GPS_buf[15];
char GPS_lat_final[9];
unsigned long int Time;
float Latitude,Longitude;
float final;

INTCONbits.GIE=1,INTCONbits.PEIE=1,PIE1bits.RCIE=1; // Interrupt ON
Delay_Ms(1000); // 1 sec to gather data
INTCONbits.GIE=0,INTCONbits.PEIE=0,PIE1bits.RCIE=0; // Interrupt OFF

LCDcmd(0x80), LCDstring("UTC: ");
Time = GPS_Time(), TIME_Convert(Time);

LCDstring(" ");


LCDstring("LAT: ");
Latitude = GPS_LAT(GPGGA_point[0]);
Latitude = LAT_Convert(Latitude);

sprintf(GPS_buf,"%.06f",Latitude); // 6 decimal rounding after .

LCDstring(" ");
GPS_lat_final[i] = GPS_buf[i];


LCDstring("LON: ");
Longitude = GPS_LON(GPGGA_point[2]);
Longitude = LON_Convert(Longitude);


LCDstring(" ");

LCDcmd(0xd4),LCDdata(GPS_lat_final[i]); // I want to view the SAME data that I'm displaying on LCD on line 4
// so I know it's ready to send in SMS

// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("AT\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("AT+CMGF=1\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("AT+CMGS=");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("\"");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("1352xxxxxxx");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("\"");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("http://maps.google.com/maps?q=");
// Delay_Ms(500);
// UART_String(LAT);
// UART_String(",");
// UART_String(LON);
// UART_String("\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_Data(0x1A);
// Delay_Ms(30000);

// Delay_Ms(5000);

void interrupt GPS_Retrieve(){
if(RCIF){GIE = 0; // Disable Global Interrupt
unsigned char RX_data = RCREG;
if (OERR){CREN=0,CREN=1;}
if(RX_data =='$'){GPGGA_i = 0, GPGGA_string = 0, COMMA_i = 0;}
else if(GPGGA_string == 1){ /* if true save GGA info. into buffer */
if(RX_data == ',' ) GPGGA_point[COMMA_i++] = GPGGA_i; // Store comma instances into buffer
GPGGA_buf[GPGGA_i++] = RX_data;}
else if(GPGGA_code[0] == 'G' && GPGGA_code[1] == 'G' && GPGGA_code[2] == 'A'){
GPGGA_string = 1, GPGGA_code[0] = 0; GPGGA_code[1] = 0; GPGGA_code[2] = 0;}
else{GPGGA_code[0] = GPGGA_code[1]; GPGGA_code[1] = GPGGA_code[2]; GPGGA_code[2] = RX_data;}}}

unsigned long int GPS_Time(){
unsigned char i, TIME_buf[15];
unsigned long int TIME;
for(i = 0;GPGGA_buf[i]!=','; i++){ TIME_buf[i] = GPGGA_buf[i];}
TIME= atol(TIME_buf); // converting time string to an integer */
return TIME;}

void UART_Data(char data){
while (!TXIF); // Wait for empty transmit buffer
TXREG = data;} // EUSART Transmit Register (loading data into)

void UART_String(char *text){ // send out data characters
while (*text) // loop until we reach a NULL
UART_Data(*text++);} //send character and bump pointer

float GPS_LAT(char LAT_point){
unsigned char LAT_i = LAT_point+1, i = 0;
char LAT_buf[15];
float LATT;
for(;GPGGA_buf[LAT_i]!=',';LAT_i++){ LAT_buf[i]= GPGGA_buf[LAT_i], i++;}
LATT = atof(LAT_buf); // converting LAT sring to an integer
return LATT;}

float GPS_LON(unsigned char LON_point){
unsigned char LON_i, i = LON_point+1;
char LON_buf[15];
float LONG;
for( ; GPGGA_buf[i]!=','; i++){ LON_buf[LON_i]= GPGGA_buf[i], LON_i++;}
LONG = atof(LON_buf); // converting LON string to an integer
return LONG;}

void TIME_Convert(unsigned long int time){
unsigned int hr, min, sec;
hr=(time/10000), min=(time%10000)/100, sec=(time%10000)%100; // extracting parts
sprintf(Data_buf, "%d:%d:%d", hr,min,sec);} // UTC time to buffer

float LAT_Convert(float raw){
float converted;
converted = (float)(long int)((int)((float)((double)raw/100)))+(float)(((float)((double)raw/100)-(int)(float)((double)raw/100))/0.6);
// LAT[i] = converted;
return converted;}

float LON_Convert(float raw){
float converted;
converted = (float)((long int)((int)((float)(-1*((double)raw/100)))))+(float)(((float)(-1*((double)raw/100))-(int)((float)(-1*((double)raw/100))))/0.6);
// LON[i] = converted;
return converted;}
Mod edit: code tag specifier = C
Last edited by a moderator:


Joined Jan 29, 2010
hi chillcat,
I am sure the guys who have been helping on your Threads would like to know what the problem was, others may get the same problem.


Joined Dec 2, 2013
pic18f4520, mplab xc8. I redid my gps coding and I using an interrupt for each gps receive. My original plan was to convert the data into usable values (googlemap) (29.xxxxxx,-83.xxxxxx) and send sms. I have just that showing up on LCD, but I need to recall these exact converted figures to resend SMS (located right after the LCD function). I'm trying to store lat and lon into their own buffers/arrays, but having slight difficulty. If you scroll down to bottom where I convert the lat and lon values you'll see I'm trying to store the value into buffer (See LAT), LON), at top I have char LAT[9], char LON[10]. Trying to display the LAT data on line 4 in my while loop I'm only getting "2" which is 1st # in that data, what am I doing wrong ?

#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
#define GGA_buf_Size 80
#define GGA_Pointers_Size 20
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
void LCDinit(), LCDcmd(int unicorn), LCDstring(char *unicorn), LCDdata(int unicorn);
char UART_Init(const long int baudrate),UART_Read(),UART_Data_Ready();
void UART_Data(char data), UART_String(char *text), SMS(void), GPS_get(void), Delay_Ms(unsigned int delay);
float LON_Convert(float raw), LAT_Convert(float raw),GPS_LON(unsigned char LON_pointer), GPS_LAT(char LAT_pointer);
void TIME_Convert(unsigned long int UTC_Time);
unsigned long int GPS_Time();
void UART_Data(char data), UART_String(char *text);
unsigned char i, GPGGA_point[GGA_Pointers_Size]; // stores the comma instances;
char GPGGA_buf[GGA_buf_Size], GPGGA_code[3], COMMA_i, Data_buf[15];
LAT[9];                              // SAVE these for SMS
volatile unsigned int GPGGA_i;
volatile unsigned char GPGGA_string = 0;
void interrupt GPS_Retrieve();

char UART_Init(const long int BAUD){
unsigned int x;
x = (_XTAL_FREQ - BAUD*64)/(BAUD*64);
if(x>255){x = (_XTAL_FREQ - BAUD*16)/(BAUD*16),BRGH = 1;}
if(x<256){SPBRG = x,SYNC = 0,SPEN = 1,TRISC7 = 1,TRISC6 = 1,CREN = 1,TXEN = 1;
return 1;}
return 0;}

int main(){
ADCON1 = 0b00001111; // sets A to digital only
OSCCON = 0x72; // Internal Clock 8Mhz
TRISA = 0b00111100; // LED A0 (r),A1 (g)
TRISB = 0b11111111; // Interrupts B0,B1
TRISD = 0b01100000; // LCD: E-D7,RS-D4, Data-3:0
TRISC = 0b11111111;



LCDcmd(0x80),LCDstring(" TEAM UNICORN "),LCDcmd(0xC0),LCDstring("My Horse is Amazing"),LCDcmd(0x94);
LCDstring(""),LCDcmd(0xD4),LCDstring("Searching Satellites");

char GPS_buf[15];
char GPS_lat_final[9];
unsigned long int Time;
float Latitude,Longitude;
float final;

INTCONbits.GIE=1,INTCONbits.PEIE=1,PIE1bits.RCIE=1; // Interrupt ON
Delay_Ms(1000); // 1 sec to gather data
INTCONbits.GIE=0,INTCONbits.PEIE=0,PIE1bits.RCIE=0; // Interrupt OFF

LCDcmd(0x80), LCDstring("UTC: ");
Time = GPS_Time(), TIME_Convert(Time);

LCDstring(" ");


LCDstring("LAT: ");
Latitude = GPS_LAT(GPGGA_point[0]);
Latitude = LAT_Convert(Latitude);

sprintf(GPS_buf,"%.06f",Latitude); // 6 decimal rounding after .

LCDstring(" ");
GPS_lat_final[i] = GPS_buf[i];


LCDstring("LON: ");
Longitude = GPS_LON(GPGGA_point[2]);
Longitude = LON_Convert(Longitude);


LCDstring(" ");

LCDcmd(0xd4),LCDdata(GPS_lat_final[i]); // I want to view the SAME data that I'm displaying on LCD on line 4
// so I know it's ready to send in SMS

// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("AT\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("AT+CMGF=1\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("AT+CMGS=");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("\"");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("1352xxxxxxx");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("\"");
// Delay_Ms(100);
// UART_String("\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_String("http://maps.google.com/maps?q=");
// Delay_Ms(500);
// UART_String(LAT);
// UART_String(",");
// UART_String(LON);
// UART_String("\r\n");
// Delay_Ms(1000);
// UART_Data(0x1A);
// Delay_Ms(30000);

// Delay_Ms(5000);

void interrupt GPS_Retrieve(){
if(RCIF){GIE = 0; // Disable Global Interrupt
unsigned char RX_data = RCREG;
if (OERR){CREN=0,CREN=1;}
if(RX_data =='$'){GPGGA_i = 0, GPGGA_string = 0, COMMA_i = 0;}
else if(GPGGA_string == 1){ /* if true save GGA info. into buffer */
if(RX_data == ',' ) GPGGA_point[COMMA_i++] = GPGGA_i; // Store comma instances into buffer
GPGGA_buf[GPGGA_i++] = RX_data;}
else if(GPGGA_code[0] == 'G' && GPGGA_code[1] == 'G' && GPGGA_code[2] == 'A'){
GPGGA_string = 1, GPGGA_code[0] = 0; GPGGA_code[1] = 0; GPGGA_code[2] = 0;}
else{GPGGA_code[0] = GPGGA_code[1]; GPGGA_code[1] = GPGGA_code[2]; GPGGA_code[2] = RX_data;}}}

unsigned long int GPS_Time(){
unsigned char i, TIME_buf[15];
unsigned long int TIME;
for(i = 0;GPGGA_buf[i]!=','; i++){ TIME_buf[i] = GPGGA_buf[i];}
TIME= atol(TIME_buf); // converting time string to an integer */
return TIME;}

void UART_Data(char data){
while (!TXIF); // Wait for empty transmit buffer
TXREG = data;} // EUSART Transmit Register (loading data into)

void UART_String(char *text){ // send out data characters
while (*text) // loop until we reach a NULL
UART_Data(*text++);} //send character and bump pointer

float GPS_LAT(char LAT_point){
unsigned char LAT_i = LAT_point+1, i = 0;
char LAT_buf[15];
float LATT;
for(;GPGGA_buf[LAT_i]!=',';LAT_i++){ LAT_buf[i]= GPGGA_buf[LAT_i], i++;}
LATT = atof(LAT_buf); // converting LAT sring to an integer
return LATT;}

float GPS_LON(unsigned char LON_point){
unsigned char LON_i, i = LON_point+1;
char LON_buf[15];
float LONG;
for( ; GPGGA_buf[i]!=','; i++){ LON_buf[LON_i]= GPGGA_buf[i], LON_i++;}
LONG = atof(LON_buf); // converting LON string to an integer
return LONG;}

void TIME_Convert(unsigned long int time){
unsigned int hr, min, sec;
hr=(time/10000), min=(time%10000)/100, sec=(time%10000)%100; // extracting parts
sprintf(Data_buf, "%d:%d:%d", hr,min,sec);} // UTC time to buffer

float LAT_Convert(float raw){
float converted;
converted = (float)(long int)((int)((float)((double)raw/100)))+(float)(((float)((double)raw/100)-(int)(float)((double)raw/100))/0.6);
// LAT[i] = converted;
return converted;}

float LON_Convert(float raw){
float converted;
converted = (float)((long int)((int)((float)(-1*((double)raw/100)))))+(float)(((float)(-1*((double)raw/100))-(int)((float)(-1*((double)raw/100))))/0.6);
// LON[i] = converted;
return converted;}
Mod edit: code tag specifier = C
After a quick scan: Lat[9] is an char array and converted a float.
179.// LAT = converted;

Again a quick scan
