how to overcome stress and fear during interview

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Joined Jun 19, 2017
my problem is that I feel nervous when I talk about interview. can anyone share your experience how do you overcome stress and fear during interview.


Joined Sep 22, 2013
Go to another city where they don't know you and where you never want to live. Then set up and go to a lot of interviews.

2 dozen or so should do it. Then return to your city and repeat.


Joined Aug 21, 2008
The interview process is, if it goes well, one which determines whether the candidate is a good match for the job. Both the candidate and the hiring organization need to use this opportunity as well as follow-up interviews of necessary for each to determine whether this is a good match.

If they do not make an offer to you then you probably should not work there because it would not work out. During the interview ;you meed to use the opportunity to interview the company and the manager.

Note: One time his strategy did not quite work out the way I wanted it to. I wanted to reject the offer but the offer never came because as they said, I was "not Asian enough". I had pressed the chairman of the board too hard for answers about the company's finances and future. In other words, don't be a "smarty pants".

Glenn Holland

Joined Dec 26, 2014
On the subject of interviews, I've heard a lot of horror stories about how people felt embarrassed and here's some advice:

[1] Don't eat or drink anything that will give you the urge to go to the men's room.

[2] Don't think about people not washing their hands after going to the men's room.

[3] Wear conservative clothing that isn't revealing of your body. Personally, this is my worst phobia when formally interacting with management. Wearing a "Speedo" (swimmer's briefs) to an interview is highly NOT recommended. In fact, the sheer thought of being seen while naked (or nearly so) is like being caught in an open field during a severe lightning storm!!! :eek:
Try going in with a different mindset: you're interviewing them. Of course, in reality there are usually more job-seekers than positions, but they're still looking for the best employees. Try and be confident about what you can offer, and have the mindset of a two-way negotiation - you're trying to see if they're a good fit for you just as much as vice versa. That helps me, anyway.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
Go in with the mindset that you WANT the job, but that you don't NEED the job.

Keep in mind that it's just one potential job and one company and it isn't the end of the world if you don't get it. In other words, don't psych yourself into putting more importance on how you do than is warranted. Worst case -- it becomes a learning opportunity about the job seeking and interview process that you didn't have to pay tuition for.

If you have a list of companies that you really, really would like to work for, then put them later on your application list. While I don't recommend applying to companies that you know you don't want to work for, there are surely companies that you are, at best, lukewarm about -- you would certainly consider working there if nothing else comes along. Apply to those companies first. Not only will this let you learn what you can about the industry and the interviewing process in situations in which putting your foot in your mouth just means that you don't get an offer from someplace that you likely wouldn't have liked working at to begin with, but if you get an offer from one or two from them then that puts you in a position to go into the later interviews with companies where you really would like to work from a standpoint other than one of desperation since you have a viable back-up plan in place.


Joined Mar 31, 2012
me too i am too much nervous during interview

What is the worst that can happen? You don't get the job.

Well, the alternative to doing the interview is not doing the interview, in which case you don't get the job. So even doing poorly on the interview produces a result that is at least as good as the alternative.