HI-TECH C Compiler v9.63 code converting to MikroC Pro

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Joined Jan 19, 2010
Hi Again I'm trying to built LC METER .my Friend (here) give
me a 90% accurate LC meter Project but the problem is the code
is created in HI-TECH C Compiler v9.63, I want to compile it in
MikroC Pro. which I'm comfortable to use.

here the code that make me thinking twice on how to convert:


__CONFIG(HS & WDTDIS & PWRTEN & BOREN); <<---- __config

#define LC_select RB0 //L or C select (from DPDT switch) <<----
#define lc_tris() TRISB0 = 1 //as input
#define add_ccal() RC0 = 1 //relay on
#define remove_ccal() RC0 = 0 //relay off
#define relay_tris() TRISC0 = 0 //as output to drive the relay coil

Q1. I want to know what is the equal function to MikroC Pro of __CONFiG?
Q2. (RB0) WHICH ONE is right to use PORTB.B0 or PORTB.RB0 or PORTB.F1 ?
all of them working properly when I'd Compile without generating Error.
Q3. (TRISB) WHICH ONE is right to use TRISB.B0 or TRISB.RB0 or TRISB.F1 ?
all of them working properly when I'd Compile without generating Error.


void initialize(void)
//setup comparator
CMCON = 0b00000101;
TRISA = 0b11001111;
//setup timer0 for frequency counter
T0CS = 1; //Transition on T0CKI pin
T0SE = 1; //Increment on high-to-low transition on T0CKI pin
PSA = 0; //Prescaler is assigned to the Timer0 module
PS2 = 1; //PS2:pS0 -> Prescaler Rate = divide by 256
PS1 = 1;
PS0 = 1;
//initialize 3310 lcd
RBPU = 0; // enable portB internal pullup

Q1. (T0CS,T0SE,PSA,PS2,PS1,PS0) WHICH ONE is right to use?
example: T0CON.T0CS, PORTA.T0CS , TRISA.T0CS, OPTION_REG.T0CS.... whatKingOfRegister.T0CS ?
all of them working properly when I'd Compile without generating Error.
Q2. (RBPU = 0;) is this portb=0?