Data sheet or pinout, please ?


Joined Feb 24, 2006
It does not look like a standard part or part number. Best guess is that it is an OEM part with an in-house label. That probably means no public information or datasheet.

Thread Starter


Joined Nov 29, 2005
Thanks again, Alec_t
Can you share/teach your search skills for that IC ? Yes, it is a regulator on a printer/scanner PCB.

If you are in the mood, another : :rolleyes:
part number 386120 by Naritoshi, TO252


Joined Feb 24, 2006
I just Googled 00CC0W. It's the first hit. No such luck with the 386120 though.
Results will run the spectrum from being the top hit, to slightly buried, to deeply burried, to pure unobtainim. Like the advice given to Homework Help Posters, you should at least try before asking so you can eliminate cases 1 & 2.