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Joined Feb 11, 2007
I have been messing w/ electrical circuit simulation and am wondering if command prompt is an example of window's DOS program? In Volume 1 - DC on this website in the ohm's law section under circuit simulation there is a little article on simulating basic electrical circuits, well it says to type in spice < (and whatever the name of your circuit is) and that the DOS program should display a bunch of data. Well whenever I type this command into command prompt, it just says that the command is unrecognized. Any help?
Thanks a lot,


Joined Oct 14, 2005
Then you need to use their respective GUIs. Those are schematic based entry, although it is probably possible to use command line, I would not suggest it.

The example in this website use command line Berkeley SPICE.


Joined Feb 24, 2006
So is command line a program?
The Disk Operating System (DOS) has a builtin Command Line Interpreter. It has two types of things that it recognizes. Builtin commands like DIR, COPY, DEBUG, and XCOPY. It knows how to do these commands without going out to the hard drive for additional programs.

If the CLI(Command Line Interpreter) does not recognize a builtin command it looks for file names with the extension ".COM" or ".EXE" which match the first string on the command line. It searches for these files according to a set of rules which include the current directory followed by all of the directories contained in the PATH environment variable. If the PATH variable points to the directory containing an executable file called "SPICE.COM" or "SPICE.EXE" then it will load and execute the first one it finds. If you have multipe versions you can always change your PATH variable, or go to the directory of the SPICE program you wish to run.