assembly PIC18 project


Joined Jun 26, 2012
From pp10 of the design document:
Student upon finding out that most line-follower robots described on the internet are designed for black and white detection: "Prof, we stopped going to Google. Google is useless!" (Mission accomplished☺.)
Your professor is wise. You won't find a turn-key solution on the internet but at least here, you can get advice and help troubleshooting. Welcome to AAC.

The design document is very good, well written and comprehensive. To go from spec to design, sit down break the total task into a bunch of small blocks. Draw the system as a block diagram on paper with a short description of what each block does and how it communicates with the main program task. Don't worry about how things work or any coding at this stage.
Take each block and break it into smaller parts and tasks. Draw those too. As you get down to the details, how to organize the program, interfaces and such will become clear. Start roughing out a code sequence to operate all of those little boxes.
When you can trace the code functions out with your finger and see how each piece works as a part of the whole, you can start to code it, using your diagrams as a guide.
That's the way most experienced programmers do it.

Great project. Get cracking and have fun!