Affordable hobby locomotive sound generator


Joined Aug 7, 2020
Is it worth making this generator,
Not now we have continuously welded rail!

If you want to learn how to synthesize sounds using oscillators, filters and amplifiers, then make it.
If you simply want a train noise, then buy something that can play samples and download a sample from the internet.
If you are going to use Max's suggestion, then you need to find a train to record, without being arrested for trespassing on the tracks.


Joined Aug 7, 2020
Not if he wants the sound of a steam locomotive. :)
I don't know where he's from: In Britain you don't need to go very far to find a heritage railway!
The project in question doesn't do steam locomotives - it does wheels on rails with expansion joints.
To do steam locomotives you need a gated white noise generator. I made one once, but my white noise generator just generated mains hum which didn't quite give the right effect.


Joined Dec 12, 2019
I know this is four years after the OP's post but in case anyone is interested in a fun IC...

In 1980 I put together a locomotive sound generator using an SN76477N IC. The circuit was in the Forrest M. Mims Notebook sold by Radio Shack. It seems these things are still for sale here and there. The User Guide has a couple of train and whistle generator circuits.

SN76477 Complex Sound Generator


User Guide

Forrest M. Mims Of Integrated Circuit Applications.pdf


Joined Aug 7, 2020
I know this is four years after the OP's post but in case anyone is interested in a fun IC...

In 1980 I put together a locomotive sound generator using an SN76477N IC. The circuit was in the Forrest M. Mims Notebook sold by Radio Shack. It seems these things are still for sale here and there. The User Guide has a couple of train and whistle generator circuits.

SN76477 Complex Sound Generator


User Guide

Forrest M. Mims's Mini-Notebook - A Handbook Of Integrated Circuit Applications.pdf
I remember that device. it seemed so clever at the time!

Audioguru again

Joined Oct 21, 2019
The size of the loudspeaker and its enclosure are important for the sound quality. Little ones shriek and squeak.
The circuit in post #1 puts DC on the speaker which is bad because audio is AC and DC might burn out a speaker.


Joined Jan 23, 2018
You can also search in the "MISC"sections of the "SCHEMATICS FOR FREE" website. I know I saw one there listed. But all you get is a schematic, no build instructions.


Joined Jan 27, 2019
My favorite MP3 player IC is the JR6001. It has a lot of very nice features like on-board storage that operates like a U-Disk (USB mass storage) device—plug it into a PC and load it up, has serial control, and can be instructed to play stored tracks in sequences (forming multidigit numbers, for example or any creative use that can benefit from it). It also supports WAV in addition to MP3.

Very inexpensive modules based on this chip are avaialble. They are quite small, and may work to embed into a train.
I remember that device. it seemed so clever at the time!
I also played a little bit with the device. Very interesting and powerful for late 1970s technology. But very fiddly, one had to tweak a lot to obtain the desired sound.
Nowadays the best solution is a ready made module along the lines of what Yakov and others have suggested.

Art Hall

Joined Jul 25, 2018
I remember those Forrest Mims books as a teenager. (I'm 70 now.) I believe I had the whole set. Not sure whatever became of them.