internal temperature sensor

  1. -live wire-

    DIY E-Scooter help - electronic breaking, pcb design

    Hi, I'm a rising freshman at Case Western University, and I would like to make an an electronic scooter to get around campus before I move in in about two months (mid august 2023). I already have a lot of the parts I would need for the project, like motors and motor controllers, among other...
  2. Mousivandhossein

    Problem with multi channel adc

    Hi, I want to use channel 3 and the internal temperature sensor of stm32f051. I read the reference manual of the micro and I tried to use it, but unfortunately, my code does not work. Please help me. Thanks and Best Regards, The code: #include <stm32f0xx.h> short ADC_Result[2]={0,0}; char...