Feedback for Robert Keim

How do I get feedback to Robert Keim concerning "Electrical Symbols for Electronic Components: Passive Components" that is dated 2018-10-31 but is reposted today 2019-07-18? There are standards that apply to graphic symbols, namely IEC 60617 and IEEE 315 and especially 315A that implements the IEC symbols.
1) The symbol for a capacitor these days uses only two parallel lines, no curved lines, and no anything else. What is an "ionized" capacitor? I think what is meant is for a polarized capacitor. A polarized capacitor simply uses the "+" sign added to the basic two parallel line capacitor symbol, no curved lines, and no anything else.
2) The IEC/IEEE inductor symbol does use only semicircles, no loops or anything else.
3) The IEC 60617 resistor symbol is the rectangle with a 3:1 aspect ratio. IEC 60617 no longer has the "American" zig zag resistor symbol--it has been deprecated. [However, I prefer the zig zag symbol myself and use it in my schematic diagrams.]
4) Yes, there is a symbol for a ferrite bead. You will find it in IEC 60617 and IEEE 315A. The IEC 60617 symbol for a fuse is a rectangle, like for a resistor, with a line through it from terminal to terminal. For a ferrite bead take the IEC 60617 fuse symbol and delete one of the long sides.

To reiterate, there are standards that apply to electrical/electronic graphic symbols and what the IPC is presently putting out does not comply in a lot of cases. Electric/electronic graphic symbols are not the bailiwick of IPC and neither is the area of reference designation methods and the class letters used for same. These two subject areas come under ANSI/IEEE, ANSI/ASME, IEC, and NIST.

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