Vhdl shift register for RxD

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Joined Jan 19, 2011
helo ,

I designed a couple of circuits and I want to combine them,
but before I do that, I'm doing a real hardware test for each...
my first was a motor and it finally works
I am now trying to make the communication of the design to work
this is the only design I just wrote the code and didn't draw it on word mostly because it's only the rx side of it and i am having troubled on figuring how it's supposed to be
I am getting warnings about stuck output pins (the leds) into ground
any help or insight will be greatly appreciate
Rich (BB code):
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity shift_reg  is
generic (
  Baud_Rate: time:= 104 us;
  clock_period: time:= 20 ns
port ( Rst: in std_logic;
   Clk: in std_logic;
   Enable: in std_logic;
   Rx: in std_logic;
   Led: out std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
   busy: out std_logic
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc: string;
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of Clk  : signal is "@N2";
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of Rst : signal is "@G26";
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of Led  : signal is "@AD24, @AC23, @AC21, @AD21, @AD23, @AD22, @AC22, @AB21, @AF23, @AE23";
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of Enable: signal is "@N25"; 
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of busy: signal is "@J22"; 
  attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of Rx: signal is "@D25"; 
end entity shift_reg;
architecture arc_shift_reg of shift_reg is
 signal Parallel_Data_In: std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
 signal counter: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
 signal freq_counter: unsigned (12 downto 0);
 constant com_baud_rate: integer := Baud_Rate/clock_period;
-- signal parallel_Data_Out: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
serial_shift_reg: process(Clk,Rst)
      if (Rst = '0') then
       parallel_Data_In <= (others => '0');
       freq_counter <= (others => '0');
       counter <= (others => '0');
       Led <= (others => '0');
       busy <= '0';
      elsif rising_edge(Clk) then
       if (Enable = '1') and (freq_counter = com_baud_rate) then
        freq_counter <= (others => '0');
        counter <= counter + 1;
        Parallel_Data_In(9) <= Rx;
        Parallel_Data_In(8) <= Parallel_Data_In(9);
        Parallel_Data_In(7) <= Parallel_Data_In(8);
        Parallel_Data_In(6) <= Parallel_Data_In(7);
        Parallel_Data_In(5) <= Parallel_Data_In(6);
        Parallel_Data_In(4) <= Parallel_Data_In(5);
        Parallel_Data_In(3) <= Parallel_Data_In(4);
        Parallel_Data_In(2) <= Parallel_Data_In(3);
        Parallel_Data_In(1) <= Parallel_Data_In(2);
        Parallel_Data_In(0) <= Parallel_Data_In(1);
        freq_counter <= freq_counter + 1;
       end if;
       if (counter = 10) and (Parallel_Data_In(0) = '1') and (Parallel_Data_In(0) = '0') then
        --Parallel_Data_Out <= parallel_Data_In;
        Led <= parallel_Data_In;
        counter <= (others => '0');
       elsif ( counter = 10) then
        counter <= (others => '0');
        busy <= '1';
       end if;
      end if;
    end process;
end architecture arc_shift_reg;

