vhdl:can value in a array be overwritten??

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Joined Jul 2, 2008
hey ppl..need ur help.. m doin dis pjt where i need to overwite a pre defined array.. (m usin xilinx)

ther is dis one more logic that i was tryin...

i defined a 10 elemnt array and initialised d first five ones.. then in a loop statement i tried loadin d 6th element at clock edge..not workin though..

is it possible to do smthin like this..?
cos well m not gettin d o/p n m not sure if its cs of this or some other thing,,
pls help.! need to submit it soon :(
thnks a lot gyus :)


Joined Jun 27, 2008

Check your grammar, a lot of people who might read your post, struggle to understand what you are trying to say, and then may ignore your post.
Try typing every word in full for a start.
You have a typical sms style of writing, yet that does not really fly with a lot of people these days.
Also give a bit more detail regarding the platform you are using. (Hardware and software tools, etc.)



Joined Mar 11, 2007
hey ppl..need ur help.. m doin dis pjt where i need to overwite a pre defined array.. (m usin xilinx)

ther is dis one more logic that i was tryin...

i defined a 10 elemnt array and initialised d first five ones.. then in a loop statement i tried loadin d 6th element at clock edge..not workin though..

is it possible to do smthin like this..?
cos well m not gettin d o/p n m not sure if its cs of this or some other thing,,
pls help.! need to submit it soon :(
thnks a lot gyus :)
I am not sure what you are trying to convey. I assume you want to generate a clock pulse using a suitable delay between the High and Low states. Here is what you can do:
*Instead of an array define a vector initialized at some value
*Increment its value till it reaches a particular value of delay required
*Make a state transition at this point

Here is a sample code:

Rich (BB code):
signal cnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):="00000000";
signal check: std_logic:='0';


	  		if (clk'event and clk ='1') then
				cnt <= cnt + '1';
			  	  if cnt = "00100101" then
					check <= not check;
					cnt <= "00000000";
        			  end if;
			end if;
end process;