Verilog Instantiateion

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Joined Apr 20, 2014
i need help Instantiating an edge triggered D Flip FLip in a verilog code twice. I have to implement the following diagram: ( see figure) have the following codes:
// A gated RS latch
module lab4_GDL(Clk, D, Q);
input Clk, D;
output Q;

wire R_g, S_g, Qa, Qb /* synthesis keep */;
assign R = ~D;
assign R_g = ~(R & ~Clk);
assign S_g = ~(D & ~Clk);
assign Qb = ~(R_g & Qa);
assign Qa = ~(S_g & Qb);

assign Q = Qa;


//DE2 board implementation

module D_F_F(SW, LEDR, LEDR1, LEDR2);
parameter n = 32;
input [1:0] SW;
output[n-1:0] LEDR;
output[n-1:0] LEDR1;
output[n-1:0] LEDR2;
wire D, Clk, Q, Qbar, Qm, Qs;

assign D = SW[0];
assign Clk = SW[1];

assign LEDR = Qbar;
assign LEDR1 = Q;
assign LEDR2 = Qm;

lab4_GDL f1(.Q(Q), .D(D), .Clk(Clk));

lab4_GDL f2(.Q(Qs), .D(Qm), .Clk(Clk));


How do i instatiate it so that i can keep the output of the first block as the input of the second? help please?

