Urgent! PIC 16f84a!!

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Joined Feb 11, 2009
I just started taking intro to micro controllers so I am having a hard time grasping everything. My teacher wants us to know how the code flows through the diagram below. I understand what each thing does ( ALU, wreg,timers,ports) But I just dont get how it goes from one part to the other. Any help is appreciated, please point me in the right direction here!



Joined Aug 15, 2007
In 20+ years of working with 20 different micro families, I have NEVER needed that diagram. This is at the code-electronics border, where different opcodes cause different circuits to turn on or off. That is, data is not flowing, current is.



Joined Apr 20, 2004
I sort of tend to agree, but mostly because the knowledge does no good. 40 years ago, when computers were repairable, that was quite valuable knowledge that aided you significantly in finding failures.

Very generally, the data selected by the address bus gets loaded into a register. The op code is decoded and whatever operations are needed to perform it take place. The lower bits may be treated as an operand or as an offset to an address or an immediate value.

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Joined Feb 11, 2009
In 20+ years of working with 20 different micro families, I have NEVER needed that diagram. This is at the code-electronics border, where different opcodes cause different circuits to turn on or off. That is, data is not flowing, current is.

So its something you shouldnt have to worry about in an "intro" class?