Uniting Einstein's Gravity with Quantum Mechanics

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Joined Jan 17, 2007
This is huge. Let's just hope it doesn't turn out to be yet another nothing-burger:

To this end, instead of modifying spacetime, the theory - dubbed a "postquantum theory of classical gravity" - modifies quantum theory and predicts an intrinsic breakdown in predictability mediated by spacetime itself. This leads to unpredictable fluctuations in spacetime, larger than those predicted by quantum theory. Thus, the weight of objects becomes unpredictable with precise measurements.


Joined Aug 27, 2009


Joined Jun 17, 2014

The problem I can see right away comes in with the word, "may". This makes me hesitant to get involved reading it or watching a video on the topic.
I see too many articles with that word it in now and other similar words like, "might", "should", etc.

These are conditional words and thus may be telling us nothing at all.
The only good thing is that they are not using the word, "is" or "are" or some other definite statement which would be even more misleading. This happens a lot too though.

I started to stop reading most of the articles with the word "may" in it when it comes to some theory or invention. That's because at the end of the article you still don't have any more information than you had before you read it. It's almost a waste of time unless you don't have anything else to do at the moment.

When they say, "may", they should follow it with "or may not", because that's really what "may" means: "it may or may not be true".

Maybe it is true, maybe it is not true. Gee thanks :)
There may be a 9th planet. Thanks for telling me.


Joined Jun 17, 2014
How do you do that?

It was sort of a play on words like the advertisements do, sort of. It's very logical however.

If you are reading articles one after the other due to appealing titles, and then one day you stop doing that, you started to do something you were not normally doing, which is reading questionable articles, so you can say you stopped reading articles. But since you just started doing that, you can say you just started to do that, so you started to stop reading articles.
I thought it was also more descriptive of what was being done, rather than "I stopped reading articles".
By saying "I started to stop reading articles", it puts a little more emphasis on what had changed and when it had changed.


Joined Sep 30, 2009
I thought it was also more descriptive of what was being done, rather than "I stopped reading articles".
By saying "I started to stop reading articles", it puts a little more emphasis on what had changed and when it had changed
Must be something you learned in engineering school. To my uneducated mind it makes more sense to say I just stopped reading that type of article.


Joined Jun 17, 2014
Must be something you learned in engineering school. To my uneducated mind it makes more sense to say I just stopped reading that type of article.
Well I did have a creative writing class way back when. For example, we might say that "I stopped reading that" is more boring, overused, and worn out than "I started to stop reading that".

I guess the main idea here is that there is a lot of latitude when it comes to artistic license when writing something where you try to get the point across as well as possible.

Now that I think about the topic again, I realize that some of the so-called "articles" are just there to grab readers so that they can sort of force them to read their advertisements. Advertisements have gotten very cleaver these days. For example, I just read today a piece on some 20 new things that would be great for Christmas gifts, and it ended up being a huge thing on buying some sponsored products with links to the said products. Some were ok I guess, but some were very stupid.
That's a little less fraudulent than have an article that says, "New Drug Cures Cancer" and then having a bunch of bs with a bunch of advertisements almost blocking the read of the main topic.