Tx Rx for long range data

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Joined May 15, 2014
I am designing a(compact) long range transmitter for my data...
My data is digital output of a GPS module with a maximum data Updation rate of 5hz (message frequency).

I want to transmit it over a distance within(100km)

any suggestions on how do i approach that?
my views:

1) this can only be approached by converting digital onto analog (sine) data & sending it over AM wave using a carrier of frequency 1.5 to 2 mhz.



Joined Feb 24, 2006
I am designing a(compact) long range transmitter for my data...
My data is digital output of a GPS module with a maximum data Updation rate of 5hz (message frequency).

I want to transmit it over a distance within(100km)

any suggestions on how do i approach that?
my views:

1) this can only be approached by converting digital onto analog (sine) data & sending it over AM wave using a carrier of frequency 1.5 to 2 mhz.

1. This would be illegal since that frequency range covers the AM broadcast band and the 160M Amatuer Radio Band.
2. AM transmission of analog data is a poor choice.

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Joined May 15, 2014
how about a freq. under 1.5 hz.
1.000 or 1.2000 mhz carrier say..

and i can consider SSB for that case if you say AM has noise...

What could be a better option than AM for sending the Gps log to a distance (radius 100km) within the city limits.?