square-wave inverter average power


Joined Mar 6, 2009
Well - "t" is the integration variable. You substitute the limits of integration for the terms in "t" in the resolved integral.

Are you unsure of how to handle the exponential term?

Thread Starter


Joined Feb 4, 2010
I am just trying to substitute values in for the variable and i dont know what to use for "t"

i already have "T" and "tao" but not "t"


Joined Mar 6, 2009
Firstly you haven't completed the integration - that is done with respect to the variable "t". Do that bit first. I note that you have dropped the 'dt' term in the final line - perhaps that is where you are getting confused.

You'll first have to square the terms within the square braces and integrate the (binomial) result. There will be resulting terms in t, e^(-t/τ) and e^(-2t/τ) - where τ is tau.

Having completed the integration you would then substitute the limits of integration [0,0.00835] into the integrated function where the limits are t=0 and t=0.00835.

You seem to be missing something important in your understanding of the integration process.