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Joined Mar 23, 2011

What type of solenoid would i need? Or how would i go about making the circuit.

I want the solenoid just to open for 2 sec and then close. Just like in a coffee machine i need to allow enough powder to pass. The power supply is 5Vdc via a relay switch.

A small signal will operate the relay which will open the solenoid.

Any input will help



Joined Jun 7, 2009
'Dosing' is the term that describes quantitative dispensing of granular solids. Typically, a disc with a volumetric chamber is filled in a hopper, then advanced to dump in a delivery tube, or similar. 'Dosing' disks are usually circular with a number of chambers, advancing in circular fashion.

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Joined Mar 23, 2011
There are two circuits. Circuit1 is the voltage source (amplified) which runs Circuit2. The source is amplifies from 0.010V to 0.7V in circuit1. This amplification was carried out by a Omp Amp. Once this voltage is reached a SPSTNO relay switch closes. Circuit2 is connected to a 5Vdc source. This will operate the solenoid which DISPENSES a DOSE of fine powder.

I am only knew at this so any help is greatful