So anyone have anyone famous in their family tree?


Joined Feb 5, 2010
Not a famous person, but my mother, through her mother, can trace our relatives all the way back to the Pilgrims arriving on the Mayflower.


Joined Feb 5, 2010
That would mean you were a product of incest.


The bible says they were the first Humans, but later on it also says that adam and eves children went out to other places and married. Implying there were OTHER people besides the ones birthed of adam and eve.

Religion and all those dang contradictions....... :)


Joined May 3, 2010
My great-grandparents had a return trip ticket for the Titanic... I probably wouldn't be here if it didn't sink, as depressing as that sounds...


Joined Apr 2, 2009
In My Family there is......

Me :D
I am famous to the world, No....look..U all know me. If that's not fame, I dunno what is.

PS....In the Age of Adam & Eve.. Children were allowed to get married. It was much later it was prohibited..
Like..Alcohol..Muslims drank Alcohol & was prohibited much, much later.



Joined Jan 18, 2008
Up until recent history incest was normal even preffered. Back in the day if you were a monarch or royalty you had to marry into your family so you usually married a cousin or such. That was a huge reason many of the egyptian kings and queens were in such bad health. Many of them walked with canes at 12 years old. Just the product of generations of inbreeding. Up untill around 1800-1900 did we first really learn how bad is messes with DNA. I would imagine through selective breeding of livestock.
The quickest search of facts refutes much of that. Why don't you bother to check anything first? What do you mean "recent history." Infectious diseases played a huge role in early, physical disabilities. Marriage between royal familys is not generally defined as incest.



Joined Apr 2, 2009
Marrying cousin is not incest. It is allowed in Islam too.
Incest means Same mother or father. Same mother can also means if both a breast fed by the same women.

Genetic disorders started to appear after it was prohibited.
After Human generations were divided into separate nations, Marriage with blood ties as above was prohibited.

It is like a plague.
If you keep on marrying sister and brothers, you will not be divided into nations. Nations were made for the fact that we are to be at peace with each other and to learn from different cultures.

It's same as Aids. Due to adultery, and Incest among families AIDS was sent as a plaque to those who do not listen. A cure for aids will never be found. Only cure is for you to follow the rules of God.


Joined Dec 5, 2009

Wait, so, ..what?


Im in my family tree.

Someonesdad stole my banana, and bill_marsdens' (notice the lowercase) uncle stole my horse.

Rifaa, you are infamous. (According to the movie "The Three Amigos" that means "more than famous" ;) )


Joined Feb 19, 2009

Depends on the definition of "Fame". Doing something stupid to stay alive, yeah. Dad and Grandpa also. Heck, I've been on TV a few times. That, along with employ, is why I don't/can't reveal much at all.


Joined Dec 15, 2009
Just thought of it, I'm on Spotify. :)

In the early '80s there were an ensamble that should release a Christmas album with Christmas songs. Between the songs, there were some talking, and I was one of the characters. Just a little boy then... But it was fun.

Haven't seen the Spotify cash filling my bank account, yet.