RV Microwave (Contoure) led segment missing, locating a replacement display?

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Joined Nov 10, 2023
Our microwave in our Airstream is about 4 years old, but actual usage on the unit is maybe at most 30 hours. This season I noticed one of the segments in the clock/cook time was out... opened unit, typical multiplexed display via a controller. Since one segment is out, it isn't a row/column resistor/path issue or poor solder joint as every other part of the display works. I am thinking the segment mask within the display has opened or fractured from temp/heat/vibration..... vibration would be my primary guess of the failure cause.

I've tried to search for the display part number and it comes up with house listings LOL...…. MLS and 5 digits usually is how houses in the USA are listed (not sure about overseas). So even factoring down with LED, display and other keywords, not getting any result on the display itself.

I also think that the led display is "universal" as the PCB seems to be used in many brands and configured accordingly.... and they use a "mask" to create the needed icons for whatever series or NRE vendor that buys the product from what looks like mIdea... which I "think" is a Chinese manufacturer.

Searching for the main PCB is a crap shoot because the part numbers are very close but not right on..... I think this is MD1001LE which Google does bring back many results, but the LE is missing, usually LD, or other variants.

If the display is the same between non matching PCBs, I have no issue transplanting it and then remasking it using the original overlay, which I assume from the picture can be separated from the display and transplanted to make it right.

The model number of the microwave is: Contoure rv-200s-con.

So the question is, anyone have an idea where I may be able to find the replacement for the LED display? The rest of the PCB is 100%, just starting to drop segments... others on forums who have this microwave say this is the beginning of the end for the display as once one goes, they saw more go over time to the point it was unreadable for the time etc.

I just can't seem to find the part number for the display itself, I don't think that it is a special OEM since the display is laser stamped/coded.... but I could be wrong.

Any thoughts?




Joined Mar 30, 2015
Any thoughts?
Your best option is to get a replacement from the manufacturer. If that's not possible, it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to buy just one from the actual manufacturer of the display.

The price quoted from any who bother to respond will likely make your eyes water. Best to use it as long as you can and then replace it.

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Joined Nov 10, 2023
I saw this message when it came in when you responded. I was hoping for someone else to come along and prove you wrong...LOL... wishful thinking. Based on what I've seen thus far, your assessment appears to be correct. I guess my question back to you is..... is this a real part number or some type of OEM lot code for a custom LED display from China? I can't even find a reference to the base number which is troubling. I wish I could find a broken board with a good led and I'd just cobble it together. I know from the forums I frequent that the maker wants like $139 for the assembly, which isn't "bad"... but the thing is only 3.5 years old.... so it gives me pause.... and my options are limited..... what to do .... what to do.
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Joined Aug 27, 2009
I saw this message when it came in when you responded. I was hoping for someone else to come along and prove you wrong...LOL... wishful thinking. Based on what I've seen thus far, your assessment appears to be correct. I guess my question back to you is..... is this a real part number or some type of OEM lot code for a custom LED display from China? I can't even find a reference to the base number which is troubling. I wish I could find a broken board with a good led and I'd just cobble it together. I know from the forums I frequent that the maker wants like $139 for the assembly, which is "bad"... but the thing is only 3.5 years old.... so it gives me pause.... and my options are limited..... what to do .... what to do.
It won't help in this case but it might be useful for others.

My son just had ours replaced after a year because of a similar defect. Some CC companies have replacement policies that will pay for a new unit if you file a claim with them.

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Joined Nov 10, 2023
Wanted to provide an update, I called the manufacturer, they don't sell the display separately, but I guess they have so many damaged units in shipping they strip and create a spare parts inventory and distribute as needed. Because it was for an Airstream they gracious sent me the entire PCB to replace mine free of charge. It shipped Thursday, so I felt confident enough to post a positive result that even this far in, they supported the product which I'm very happy about. I still would like to find a display to repair the old board which I'll keep an eye out for since it is still technically fully operational. One segment out on a display still makes for a good back up as a just in case.
