Researching a wearables idea looking for ideas on Microcontroller/Power Supply

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Joined Jan 12, 2024
I am looking to embed an LED light strip into a Cheerleading Bow. I have looked around trying to find a suitable LED strip, Microcontroller board, and Power Supply that wouldn't make the Bow unwearable.

The Grand plan is to be able to control the lights to possibly jump to music being played OR be programmed like a Christmas light show on a house. For the initial phase of this, I am just trying to find LED strips and a source of Power I can embed on a bow and it be able to be worn while the cheerleader is doing a routine. This would mean the Bow has to be very light.

Would anyone in here have any Ideas on what power source I should use? I have a set of Small LEDs (I honestly think they're too big and require too much power for my purpose. The current ones I have light up at 16v .2a) I have looked at LiPo batteries but I have found nothing strong enough and small enough for this use case.

Any ideas are GREATLY Appreciated. This is my proof of Concept project.
