read input file in vhdl !

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Joined Apr 27, 2010
Helle everybody!

I want to test this vhdl code for read input file and i don't know how i can do that . Please can you tell me if someone have any idea .
I will be grateful for your help .

------------------vhdl code for input file------------------------

library ieee;
use std.textio.all;

entity lecture is end;

architecture arch of lecture is
read_input_file : process
variable inline: line;
variable character_variable:character;
variable fin_de_ligne: boolean ;
file myfile: text is "data.txt";
while not endfile(myfile ) loop -- tant qu'on a pas la fin du fichier on fait une boucle
readline(myfile,inline); -- on lit tout le fichier
--end_of_line is EOLN Boolean flag
while fin_de_ligne loop -- tant qu'on atteint la fin du fichier
end loop;
end loop;
wait; -- ne rien faire lorsque c'est fini
end process read_input_file;
end arch;


Joined Apr 14, 2010
generally the only way to test VHDL/Verilog code is to write code to test it using ModelSim or similar

you can try to test with hardware or in an actual system - but you may miss bugs/glitches.

as far as details on how to do that in ModelSim i cant be any help unfortunately.

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Joined Apr 27, 2010
generally the only way to test VHDL/Verilog code is to write code to test it using ModelSim or similar

you can try to test with hardware or in an actual system - but you may miss bugs/glitches.

as far as details on how to do that in ModelSim i cant be any help unfortunately.

Thank you for your response.