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Joined Dec 2, 2008
I'm trying to write a quicksort algorithm in assembly for the 8051. I want to sort a list of 8-bit unsigned numbers stored in external RAM. The resulting list should be sorted in increasing order.
Bellow is the initial code and comments about what should be there. Can anyone help me out with this?

$include (c8051f120.inc) ; Include register definition file.

; Data Segment

dseg AT 40H
i: DS 1
list: DS 8 ;creates a list of 8 bits

; Reset Vector
cseg AT 0
ljmp Main ; Locate a jump to the start of code at
; the reset vector.

mov WDTCN, #0DEh
mov WDTCN, #0ADh

mov R0, #0h ; set as temp storage
mov R1, #0h ; set
mov R2, #0h ; set
mov R3, #0h ; set
mov R4, #0h ; set
mov R5, #0h ; pivot value
mov R6, #0h ; first register
mov R7, #0h ; last register

assign: ;sets the pointer and list
mov DPTR,#list ; creates a starting address
mov A,#3
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR
mov A,#8

mov A,#1
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR

mov A,#6
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR

mov A,#2
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR

mov A,#8
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR

mov A,#7
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR

mov A,#4
movx @DPTR,A
inc DPTR

mov A,#5
movx @DPTR,A

mov A,DPL
add A,i
mov DPL,A

mov A,DPH
addc A,#0
mov DPH,A

mov R6,#0 ;the first to R6
mov R7,#7 ;the last to R7

push i ;push i into direct memory location

lcall subr ; call subr: "split subroutine"


;sort: ;sorts--set DPTR (pivot point) and recursively chop list up into smaller pieces

; value - pivot --> carry = 1 --> move towards the right
; jc ;something to move it right

;if carry 0, exchange

;;increments the pointer to compare the next thing

;partition: ;controls which section/piece of the list to sort from

;exchange: ;our exchange or "swap" values
; xch A, R#1
; mov A, R#2

subr: mov R0,SP ; get stackpointer
dec R0 ; top two bytes on stack are the return address
dec R0
;mov i,#0 ; initialize i
loop: inc @R6 ; inc value @R6--"first+1"
push R6 ; push R6 to direct memory location
;mov A,i ; get i
;inc @R6 ; first+1
cjne A,R6,endsplit ;;;;;ask for how to compare two elements in the stack
; go to endsplit if not equal
; go on to lp2 if statement satisfied

lp2: mov A,#list ; move list to acc
add A,i ; list
mov R1,A ; list --> A
mov A,@R1 ; list --> R1
push R1 ; list --push--> stack

add R1,#1

; cjne A,x,then ;;;;ask for how to compare two elements in the stack
; jmp loop

;then: mov A,splitpoint
; add A,#1 ; splitpoint+1
; mov splitpoint,A ; splitpoint = splitpoint+1
; xch goes here
; mov A,i
; cjne A,last,loop ; for-loop -- if i ~= last, go back to 'loop'

endsplit ;xch ; swap list[first] and list[splitpoint]

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