need help!!!

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Joined Sep 3, 2009
i have a project due in about a week. I missed a few days of class due to the pig flu. I am in need of a boost so i can finish in time. Please!! the question is

Design a circuit that will perform a filtering operation on a matrix of elements (image). The matrix should be of size 10x10 elements and each element must be a byte in size. The outermost row and column elements of this image must be zero in value. The filter is also a small matrix of 9 elements called filter coefficients, arranged in a 3x3 structure. You must align the central element of the filter matrix with the top left element (that is not a border element) of the image matrix, then perform a point to point multiplication, followed by accumulation of all the nine values, followed by writing that as an output (filtering operation). Then you must slide the filter one position to the right, over the image matrix and do this filtering operation again. When you reach the end of a row of the image matrix, repeat the process for all the elements of the next row of the image matrix, till you have filtered all the elements of the image matrix. When you perform multiplication and accumulation for a filter operation, the size of the output will be greater than a byte, which is OK as long as you don't truncate any bits. The image matrix must be stored in one or more ROM modules. The filter elements can be fed as inputs to your top module or stored in memory. You can choose any combination of zero and non zero values for the filter and image elements, as long as they are reasonably different (i.e. not uniform, not all zeros etc.).

I am a little lost as to where to start.

btw we use xilinx with modelsim as the simulator. this uses the verilog language. any help appriciated