Need help in KVL and KCL


Joined Jan 29, 2010
Hi Ad,
Welcome to AAC.
As you are a student, we need to see your best attempt at answering the circuits formula's, then we can help


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Aditya P R

Joined Jun 19, 2024
Hi Ad,
Welcome to AAC.
As you are a student, we need to see your best attempt at answering the circuits formula's, then we can help

I have tried to do questions 1 ,2,3, and 10
and the answers that i got are as follows
for q1 it was 2.5 ohms ,q2 it was 138 micro coulombs ,q3 was 7volts ,q10 2 volts (i don't know if these are right) and other questions i am unable to proceed further so i did not any answers for those.