LTSpice - Missing user placed component after upgrade

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Joined Nov 28, 2008
Problem solved: I have forgotten that I have moved the LTSpice install directory to a new location but during the upgrade I let it continue in the default directory.

Every time I'm trying to upgrade the LTSpice I would first backup my in-use lib directory and I also did so faithfully this time.

This is to ensure the many components I have collected would remains accessible after the upgrade.

I then downloaded the software from Linear website. After the current upgrade to Ver 4.06W, I checked and confirm both the new directory and old directory contains the exact same number of "asy" files such that all my previous circuit would remains working.

Alas but no luck this time. Some of my previous circuit files are giving me "missing component" warnings as I loaded them into the LTSpice program.

This new version simply ignors any files placed by the user in the sym directory. The choices are not even shown in the "component selection" popup inside LTSpice.

Can any one else please check and confirm this. Thanks.
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