LT1028 model meaning of Vos Trim value

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yef smith

Joined Aug 2, 2020
Hello , I am using LT1028 in simulation from the datasheet shown below
Pin 1 and 8 are Vos TRIM
Pin 5 is OVER-COMP
regarding Vos:
Vos is input offset voltage-
In my LTSPICE simulate i didnt have in the model i only had input output and zero
The input offset voltage (VOS) is defined as the voltage that must be applied between the two input terminals of the op amp to obtain zero volts at the output.
by the data sheet bellow, how do i know what value should i use?
Thanks. Devices/view-part/?ref=search&t=LT1028



Joined Mar 14, 2008
Adding a pot to adjust the offset of an op amp is seldom done anymore.
Typically you just use an op amp with an offset low enough for your requirements.
So what are you using the op amp for and what are your offset requirements?

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yef smith

Joined Aug 2, 2020
Hello Crutschow, i am confused regarding the exact impelentation of the 1K pot. as shown in the data sheet below.
a potentiometer is a 3 leg device , the middle leg connected with one of the the legs is a variable resistor controlled by the viper.
1.What will happen if i connect +15 on the free leg in the device? will be a voltage divider between 15 and what other voltage? do i start adjusting the VOS? shown i put 0V at fitst between the two legs connected to the chip? or 15V?
I cant see how exact i should adjust it.



Joined Mar 14, 2008
1.What will happen if i connect +15 on the free leg in the device?
Why do you not want to connect it as shown in the data sheet.
That makes no sense.
You connect the 15V to the wiper as shown.

I have no interest in speculating on what would happen with your incorrect connection but you are welcome to try.
I cant see how exact i should adjust it.
You ground the input on your circuit, and adjust for 0V on the opamp output.
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