License of the books and this forum

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Joined Jul 29, 2009

I am retired computer professional (mainly support duties). Nowadays I am learning programming and electronics. My main interest at the moment are uC. Especially I am playing around with BV513, which is PIC board from . It is programmed with basic. I am interested to write a manual (as hobby - I am not affiliated with Byvac). I just have too much time at my hands.

The question is that I would like to incorporate parts of this AllAboutCircuits to this document. Also I find a lot of good posts in these forums, which would give nice pieces to document.

Could someone in charge give me answer how I can use this material - or not? Hopefully my question makes some sense.

Best Regards
Kari Laine


Joined Apr 5, 2008

Here is a quote from the copyright notice:

3. Copying and distribution

Permission is granted to distribute, publish or otherwise present verbatim copies of the entire Source Data of the Work, in any medium, provided that full copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty, where applicable, is conspicuously published on all copies, and a copy of this License is distributed along with the Work.
Permission is granted to distribute, publish or otherwise present copies of the Object Form of the Work, in any medium, under the terms for distribution of Source Data above and also provided that one of the following additional conditions are met:
(a) The Source Data is included in the same distribution, distributed under the terms of this License; or
(b) A written offer is included with the distribution, valid for at least three years or for as long as the distribution is in print (whichever is longer), with a publicly-accessible address (such as a URL on the Internet) where, for a charge not greater than transportation and media costs, anyone may receive a copy of the Source Data of the Work distributed according to the section above; or
(c) A third party's written offer for obtaining the Source Data at no cost, as described in paragraph (b) above, is included with the distribution. This option is valid only if you are a non-commercial party, and only if you received the Object Form of the Work along with such an offer.
You may copy and distribute the Work either gratis or for a fee, and if desired, you may offer warranty protection for the Work.
The aggregation of the Work with other works which are not based on the Work -- such as but not limited to inclusion in a publication, broadcast, compilation, or other media -- does not bring the other works in the scope of the License; nor does such aggregation void the terms of the License for the Work.

The complete copyright notice is over here:

I hope this quote will answer your question.
